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“Sure that won’t be a problem,” Duke replied.

“No, her problem might be getting Ink to ever let her out of his sight again.” It seemed Hack was finally starting to find his sense of humor.

“Damn straight,” Ink crossed his arms over his chest as he gave her a firm look.

Sunny raised her face, staring up at Betsy. The sheer relief on her face made Betsy’s heart race. She’d never had a friend before. She’d had girls her mother decided she should be friends with. Then she’d had people Rex wanted her to be friends with. Usually his slimy friends and their equally awful wives.

But a friendship like this wasn’t something she’d ever thought she’d have.

“I’m sorry you got mixed up in my mess, Sunny. I’m sorry those assholes hurt you. Used you.”

The other woman smiled. It was tremulous but at least she tried. “Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m just so glad you’re all right.”

Baron and Royal came in next. Duke drew Sunny over to the armchair in the corner of the room, sitting with her on his lap.

“You been redecorating man?” Duke asked Ink. “Place seems a whole lot cozier.”

Ink gave the other man the bird as the boys drew close. To her surprise, Baron touched her first. He knelt and drew her carefully against him. She felt him shaking. She ran her good hand up and down his back.

“I’m okay, Baron. I promise. I’m okay.”

Royal stood behind him, watching her with wild eyes. “You’re not to be left on your own ever again.”

“I’m all right. I promise.”

“She won’t be,” Ink said firmly.

“Ink!” she protested.

“What?” he asked, looking bewildered.

“You shouldn’t make false promises.”

He gave her a stern look then he sat next to her on the bed. “It wasn’t a false promise, brown eyes.”

“Oh dear Lord. Sunny, help me out.”

Sunny grimaced. “Think I might be in the same boat.”

Baron raised his face. “Promise us.”

She knew then, that if it took that haunted look from Baron’s face, she’d agree to any of their overprotective demands. She cupped the side of his face. “I promise.”

He nodded, happy with that. He moved away to lie along the bottom of the bed. Royal hugged her gently as the others moved into the room. Reyes, Spike, Jason and Razor all stood, leaning against the bedroom wall, their gazes on her.

Hack looked around with a sigh. “What? No Stone?”

“He’s on watch,” Reyes growled. “Along with most of his guys.” He nodded at Ink.

“Right, let’s do this. Wanna sit on Ink’s lap, Little one?”

Betsy shied away just as Ink lifted her onto his lap, blankets and all.

“No! No shots!”

“We’ve already had this conversation,” Hack replied calmly, preparing the world’s biggest needle. There was no way that was going anywhere near her. Nope.

She tried to climb off Ink’s lap but he held her still. “Easy, brown eyes.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic