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“I’ll go,” Duke said. “Sunny, stay right here.”

“Yes, Daddy. Oh, I mean, Duke.” Sunny looked at the doctor with a bright red face.

“You had it right the first time, little bit,” Hack told her with a wink.

Betsy was now slumped against his chest. Duke returned quickly with a bottle of water which he handed to Ink who helped her drink.

“It’s not many stitches. But there was a lot

of dirt and debris in there. Next time you get shot try not to roll through dirt after, all right?”

“She’s not damn well getting shot again,” Ink snapped.

“I’ll do my best,” Betsy said tiredly.

Hack wrapped a bandage around her upper arm. “Right, I’m going to leave you with a sling to wear when you’re moving around. Partially for support, partially because I don’t want you accidentally reaching for things and pulling your stitches.” Hack looked up to Ink who nodded.

“I’ve got some painkillers here for her. Both oral and suppository in case she has any trouble with the oral ones. I need to give her a shot to help prevent infection. You need to wake her several times tonight, make sure she’s all right. Any slurring, if you can’t wake her, you call an ambulance immediately, understand?”

Ink nodded grimly as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“Okay, can you lay her on her side, facing away from me, legs up to her chest.”

“We’ll give you a few minutes,” Duke told him and they all filed out.

“Daddy, no,” Betsy protested, as he carefully moved her around. “I don’t want another shot.”

“Shh. It’s for your health, brown eyes. You need it to make sure you don’t get sick.” And whatever she needed; he’d make certain she got it.

He lay her on her side and placed her blanket over her top half. He pulled her pants down, revealing her cute, Care Bear panties.

“Now, those are adorable. Now which Care Bear is that?” Hack asked. “Let me guess, Grumpy Bear?”

“No,” She told him, tensing up as Ink drew her legs gently up to her chest.

Hack lowered her panties down and swiped an antiseptic wipe over her cheek.

“Cheer Bear?”

“No,” she stuttered, letting out a small cry as the needle went in.

Ink went down on his knees beside her so he could see her face. He started to sing a nursery rhyme to her in a quiet voice.

“Sing a song of sixpence?” Hack asked as he depressed the syringe. “I always preferred Itsy-Bitsy Spider myself. Never liked how the maid’s nose got plucked off. Depressing.” Hack slowly depressed the syringe. “Ahh, I know, it’s Birthday Bear.”

“It’s Wish Bear,” Betsy told him, the duh in her voice so clear that Ink actually smiled.

“So it is, silly me.” Hack pulled up her panties.

Ink helped her sit up, then pulled her onto his lap once more, tucking her blankets around her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her.

“My head’s still a bit sore. But I can’t feel my arm at all.”

“Good girl,” Hack told her as he gathered up all his stuff. “You were very brave.” He drew out his treasure chest. “Another treasure for you.”

She chose a ring with a big, purple rock on it.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic