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Ink shot to the doctor’s side, scowling down at him. “Stop fucking hurting her.”

Hack sighed. “The blood has dried and bits of material are stuck in the wound along with a whole lot of dirt. It’s going to hurt a bit but I have no choice. I leave it and she’s going to end up with an infection. I’m also going to have to give her a shot of penicillin to prevent infection.”

“No. No shots.”

“Yes, you will get a shot,” Ink said sternly.

She stuck her lower lip out in a pout. Yep, it was childish. Right then, she didn’t care. She was in pain, she was exhausted and despite the fact that she wasn’t really cold, she couldn’t stop shaking.

“Have you got any more blankets?” Hack asked Ink.

He nodded and moved into the wardrobe, coming back with a couple of the soft blankets she loved. He’d ended up buying one in every color.

Ink lay the blankets over her, and she let out a sigh of happiness.

Hack started cutting off her T-shirt.

“This was my favorite shirt too,” she muttered. “Those bastards ruined it.”

“I’ll buy you another one, sweetheart,” Hack told her soothingly.

“If anyone is buying her a new shirt, it’s me,” Ink said threateningly.

The doctor winked at her. “Such a possessive caveman, isn’t he?”

She smiled, knowing he was trying to ease her pain. He continued to clean her up. It was painful and Ink came and sat beside her.


ght, Betsy, I need to give you a shot to numb your arm before I stitch it.”

There was a knock on the door and Spike poked his head in. “Any chance we can come in? Royal, Baron and Sunny are going out of their minds.”

Hack sighed. “Fine, they can distract her from the needle.”

The door opened and Sunny ran in. Her right eye was swollen shut and her other eye was red and puffy from crying.


She rushed towards Betsy.

“Careful, little bit,” the doctor warned as she grew closer. “Don’t jolt her.”

Sunny’s eyes widened and she nodded fast. “Got it. Oh, Betsy, I was so scared. I thought they were going to kill you!” She knelt next to the bed, dropping her face into Betsy’s lap. Her shoulders were shaking and Betsy knew the other woman was crying. “I’m sorry they used me to get to you.”

“Oh, Sunny, please don’t cry. I’m all right.”

“Sunny! Damn it! Don’t run around with your eye all swollen.” Duke’s strode in with a frown.

Tears dripped down Betsy’s cheeks as she looked up at Duke. “I’m so sorry.”

His eyes widened slightly. “Nothing for you to be sorry about, Betsy.” He walked over, and to her surprise, he gently reached out and grasped hold of her chin, tilting her head up.

“Careful, she’s got quite the goose egg on the back of her skull,” Hack warned.

“Concussion?” Duke rumbled.

“Yeah. She’ll need watching for the next twenty-four hours.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic