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He seemed to ponder this. “When we’re both happy and safe and relaxed.”

“So after sex then,” she joked.

“Nope. That’s no good either. A declaration of love shouldn’t be given after having sex. Then I might think you said it only due to my magnificent prowess in bed.”

She yawned, her eyes growing heavy.

Ink pressed her face to his chest. “Fine. You win. We’ll wait. Just know that I’m going to spank your ass for being so stubborn once you’re feeling better.”

“I look forward to it.”


Hack wasn’t happy.

“Damn it, I told you to make sure she rested,” he grumbled at Ink as he took her temperature. She was lying on top of the bed in Ink’s bedroom. Well, their bedroom now.

“You think I fucking wanted her to get kidnapped?” Ink snapped.

Hack held a light up to her eyes, making her groan in pain.

“Her temperature is now 103.4. She is severely dehydrated. She was already sick and she was out in the rain! And she was shot! Shot! This is unacceptable.”

Last time, Hack had been filled with smiles. This time, he was scowling.

“I’m going to need to clean the wound before I stitch it. She has a concussion. So she’ll require watching carefully.” Hack waved a finger at her. “And this time you will stay in bed. For a whole week.”

“A week!”

“Argue with me and I’ll have Ink go buy some diapers and tie you to the bed.”

She gaped at Ink who just shook his head. “Hack gets upset when people he cares about are hurt.”

“But he’s a doctor!”

“I am. And you will listen to me, little miss.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her,” Ink said grimly.

“Huh. Wish I could believe that.”

Ink’s jaw tightened but he didn’t say anything in response.

“It’s not Ink’s fault. He takes very good care of me.”

“Not that good. You were kidnapped, shot and stuck out in the rain while you were ill,” Ink muttered, clearly blaming himself.

She sighed then coughed. Urgh. She really didn’t feel good.

“It’s not your fault, Ink. Please don’t blame yourself. From what they said, it sounds like they’d been watching me and Sunny for a few days, waiting until they got the go-ahead from Forrest before they did anything. Don’t know what happened to make him send them in now.”

“The FBI and DEA raided his houses and businesses,” Ink said. “He had nothing left to lose.”

“They said he was planning on leaving the country.”

“Fuck it. I’ll find the bastard. There’s nowhere he can hide from me.”

She whimpered in pain as Hack tugged at a piece of material stuck to the injury on her arm.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic