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“No hospital. The hospital means police. Hack will know what to do.”

There was a beat of silence then he moved the jacket back up her arm. “Fine. No hospital.”

She licked her dry lips. “Have you got any water?”

He reached forward to grab a bottle of water from the cup holder. Stone was staying mostly silent as he drove them through the rain. Ink undid the bottle of water and settled her against him as he held it to her lips. She reached for it with her good hand, but he drew it away.

“Let me.”

She knew that he needed to care for her. She had a feeling he was going to be even more protective of her for a while after this night. She drank greedily, some dripping down her chin. Then she sneezed and groaned in disgust.

“Stone, pass me some napkins. They’re in the glove box.”

Stone handed them back. Ink wiped her nose with the scratchy napkins. But she didn’t complain.

“Thank you.”

He nodded and hit something on his phone, making a call. Duke’s voice came through the speaker.

“Ink, you’ve got her? Is she all right?”

“I’ve got her. She’s got a flesh wound on her arm and a possible concussion. You’re still at my place? Hack is meeting us there.”

“We’re all here. I’ll let him in. Thank fuck she’s okay.” Duke ended the call. She rested her head back against Ink’s firm chest. She had no energy left.

“I need you to tell me what happened, brown eyes. The full story this time.”


“I think I should wait,” she whispered.

“Betsy.” There was a dark warning in there. But she knew he wasn’t going to spank her right now.

“I want to tell you all together.”

“That’s one, Betsy.”

“I know.”

“You want to go for two?”

“Ink, you don’t understand—”

“I understand that two men kidnapped you from my home. From my protection. They shot you then they brought you out to the forest where you were rescued by an assassin for hire. You’re injured, you’re burning up and I know there are things you’re leaving out. I thought you were dead…”

His voice cracked. And it sent a resounding crack through her heart. A sob broke free. “I lo—”

“No.” He shook his head. “Nope.”

“Again?” she said with exasperation.

“I don’t want the first time you tell me you love me to be when you’re apologizing to me.”

It was ridiculous to want to smile right then, it really was. But she could feel it twitching at her lips. “So I can’t tell you over the phone and I can’t tell you when I’m apologizing?”

“That’s right.”

“When is a good time?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic