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Jewel didn’t turn her glare from the man that Danny was dragging through the room. He was spouting drunken shit about just wanting to touch her tit. And how pretty she was. Ink wasn’t sure if the dickhead was talking about Sunny or Jewel.

Rage flooded him.

“Jewel?” he snapped.

She finally looked up at him then over to where Duke was murmuring to Sunny in a low, soothing voice.

“Asshole was drunk. Don’t know how he even got in here. He stumbled into our table. Then he tried to reach for my breast. I slapped his hand away. He seemed to take that as an invitation to try harder. I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back while Sunny threw her drink over him and yelled out for Danny. Bastard was stronger than he looked. He managed to get free. He was going after Sunny when Danny arrived.”

“No one else fucking helped?” He stared around him at some of the other members.

A couple of them looked ashamed. A few others gave him shrugs. “Happened quick, man,” one meathead said.

That didn’t sit right with him. He glared at those closest. “We’ll have a fucking talk about the way we take care of the women who are under our protection.”

But for now, he was going to go after that dick who’d tried to touch Jewel.

“Ink!” Duke called out.

“I’ll take care of it!” He stormed outside to where he saw the guy was standing in the middle of the road, taunting Danny. The big biker just stood there, arms crossed over his barrel-like chest, watching on calmly.

“Hey, asshole, what the hell did you think you were doing?” Ink yelled, striding towards the idiot. He shoved him. “If a woman doesn’t want your attention then you don’t fucking touch her.”

The drunk guy stumbled forward, falling against Ink. Before he could shove him back, he grabbed hold of his cut.

“Tell Jewel that Maxwell said hi.”

Then he turned and raced off before Ink could ask him what the hell he meant. And who was Maxwell? He frowned. Why would this Maxwell want to say hi to Jewel?

“Ink,” Duke called out.

He turned to see his Duke walking towards him. “Yeah?”

“Danny had it under control, man.”

“Just making sure the message got through. He got close to Sunny and Jewel.”

“Yeah, and Jewel can gut a man without breaking into a sweat. You know that, you fucking trained her.”

He eased out a breath, forcing the tension in his shoulders to fade away. “Just got mad.”

“You’re getting mad a lot lately.” There was no judgment in Duke’s voice, instead a very careful neutrality. Christ. When had he become a ticking time bomb people were waiting to explode?

“I know,” he said gruffly. “I’m working on it. I’m gonna head to the club.”

“Sure you should do that when you’re in this kind of mood? Maybe you should wait until you’re calmer.”

“I’m fine.”


“Look, I love you, man, but I’ve got places to be. I can stand here, talking about my feelings with you or I can go spank a sweet sub and find my happy place. Can you guess which option I’m going to choose?”

Duke sighed. It was a sound filled with disappointment and it hit Ink in the gut.

“Yeah. I get which one you’re gonna choose. I’m just here for you if you need me, yeah?”

“Got it. Hey, you know anyone called Maxwell?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic