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“No, why?”

“That drunk asshole said to tell Jewel that Maxwell says hi.”

“I’ll let her know.” Duke looked behind him.

“Go. Find Sunny. You’ll be breaking out in hives soon from being apart from her for this long.”

“You’re a dick,” Duke told him, but he whacked him on the back of the shoulder.


Ink strode into Fringe.

Tonight he wasn’t getting side-tracked by a pair of sad brown eyes. Something caught the corner of his eye as he moved into the dungeon.


; White-blonde hair. A lot of skin. Unable to help himself, he walked closer. A big motherfucker was looming over her, saying something. He had on tight leather pants and his chest was bare. Her head was down. Her shoulders hunched.

Something about it felt off. They could be just talking about a scene. But Ink knew body language. And hers screamed discomfort. Maybe even fear.

He grew closer, his gut tightening as he recognized the Dom. Dean Jeffries. Dom asshole extraordinaire. He insisted everyone call him Major because he’d done a brief stint in the armed forces. Ink had run a background check on him and he’d definitely never achieved the rank of Major.

Asshole had a habit of browbeating subs, especially new and naïve ones.

Like Betsy.

“Help you with something, Callahan?” Jeffries sneered, looking him over. He was several inches taller than Ink and broader. But his muscle was starting to go to fat.

“Nope,” Ink told him.

Jeffries eyes narrowed. “You’re interrupting my scene negotiation.”

“Hello, Betsy,” Ink said, ignoring the asshole.

“Hello, Sir,” she said quietly.

“Nobody said you could talk, sub,” Jeffries growled.

Betsy flinched. Ink’s temper stirred.

This is not the place to lose it.

“She’s agreed to a scene with you?” Ink asked, knowing Jeffries often skirted the line of consent. Why he was still allowed in the club, Ink had no idea.

“Yes, she has. And you’re interfering.”

“Betsy, is that right?” Ink asked.

“Sub, you weren’t given permission to speak.”

“You’re not her fucking Dom, man,” Ink said, moving closer. “And she’s not allowed to negotiate scenes on her own without her mentor.”

“Who the hell is that?”


He nearly smiled as Jeffries’ face grew red.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic