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“Far as I know,” Reyes said. “My contact just said that he’s pissed. Apparently, he tried to cover up the way the senator was found, but it was too late. It had already come out about the girls he’d been buying and murdering.”

“He’s going to want whoever killed his son then?” Ink asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his thighs, his hands dangling between his legs.

“Yeah. I doubt he’s going to sit around and wait for the cops to do their jobs, not that they have much to go on,” Reyes told them. “My contact in the police department said the scene was clean. Nothing to indicate who the murderer was.”

“Wonder why the Fox didn’t leave his calling card,” Spike mused. “He tends to leave something. Mind you, there could be a number of murders he’s committed but never left his calling card at. We just wouldn’t know.” Spike shrugged.

The Fox tended to leave a small fox or an image of a fox’s head at the scenes of his crimes.

“Not really our concern what the senator’s old man gets up to, is it?” Ink asked, settling back in his chair. “We weren’t the ones to kill him. Even if he does figure out that it was the Fox, there’s nothing to link us to him. We’re free and clear. Not sure why we’re even talking about this anymore. That sick fuck, the senator is gone. The Fox is gone. Jason and Razor are clear with the alibis the Fox set up. The cops finding those images of them outside the senator’s house was flimsy evidence anyway. We can go back to modus operandi.”

There was silence. Then one by one the others nodded.

“All right then,” Reyes said. “That’s all for tonight. We got our ride tomorrow, no one be late.” He looked at Ink as he said that.

Ink glared back at him. He wasn’t his fucking father. He got out of his chair, barely managing not to scrape it along the floor. Duke came up next to him, grabbing him firmly on the shoulder and turning him towards the door.

They moved into the corridor.

“See you guys later,” Spike said, disappearing out a side door. Jason followed after him without a nod.

“Got to take a piss,” Razor commented.

“Thanks for the update man,” Ink said sarcastically.

Razor just grinned.

Ink headed towards the bar, Duke walking with him. “What’s up with you?”

“What you talking about?”

“Man, you look like shit. You’re biting at Reyes. You still got a problem with him?”

He bit back his initial reply and thought about that for a second. They’d paused at the door leading out to the bar. No one came back here except for other Iron Shadows members. Whoever was bartending made sure of that since the door was next to the bar.

“Nah, not really. He just rubs me the wrong way sometimes. You know I have an authority problem.” He forced his voice to lighten.

“How you lasted in the Special Forces, I’ll never know. Ink, you know if you need to talk that I’m here.”

“Christ, man. Why would I want to talk to you when I can talk to Sunny? She’s prettier to look at. She smells a hell of a lot nicer and if I look sad enough, she’ll even hug me.”

Duke just shook his head at him. “You’re a fucking dick.”

Yep. He was. He forced himself to grin as they stepped into the bar. His heart thumped as he heard a female scream in fear.

Duke was already shoving his way through bodies.

“Fucking get away from her, man!” Danny, the bouncer on tonight, roared.

Ink pushed through after Duke. They made it to an area across the room where there was seating only to find Danny had some asshole in a headlock. Off to the side, Sunny stood shaking. A furious-looking Jewel stood in front of Sunny, glaring at the asshole in the headlock.

“What the fuck happened?” Duke roared.

Sunny glanced over at Duke. Tears flooded her eyes as she threw herself at him. He held her tightly against his chest, running his hand up and down her back.

Ink checked on Jewel. She liked to act like she was tough. That she didn’t need anyone. But he’d known her a while now. There was a vulnerable side to her. In fact, he might be the only person who knew that.

“What happened? You okay?” he asked her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic