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Baron seemed to be the more outspoken one. Royal was more watchful.

“What makes you think I’m controlling?” Ink asked, sitting on a weights bench.

Baron waved a hand towards the elevator they’d just come down. “The way you just made Ma eat.”

“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but your mother has trouble eating. When she’s anxious or stressed, her stomach gets upset. But she can’t afford to skip meals, it’s dangerous for her health.”

Both boys looked at each other.

“Look, I won’t lie. I’m a dominant guy. I like to be in charge, to make the rules. But I am nothing like your father. He was a complete asshole who liked to put people down to make himself feel like a big man. Your mother is the most important person in my world. You may not believe me, you might need time to figure it out, but she’s my fucking Queen and that’s the way I will treat her. And I will tolerate no one hurting or abusing her. Or disrespecting her. Understand?”

“We would never disrespect or hurt Ma,” Baron growled.

“Didn’t think you would. Just making my expectations clear. I’d protect that woman with my life. I’m here to make her life easier. She’s had enough damn stress to last her a lifetime. So if the two of you have issues with me, bring them to me, yeah?”

“So you can kick us out when we piss you off?” Royal asked.

“Nobody is kicking anyone out. This is your home. She loves you. I love her. We don’t know each other, but I hope we can be friends at the very least.”

“Maybe,” Royal allowed.

“Just watch. You’ll see I mean what I say.”

They were silent, but both of them nodded.

“I’m not trying to be your father. However, you’re both fucking grounded for a month after that shit you pulled with Matthieu’s car. And you’re going to work for me until you’ve paid for his car repairs. If you go to school, you can work around it.”

Baron scowled and opened his mouth, but Royal placed his hand on his brother’s arm. “Sounds fair.”

“Look, I want you guys to be happy here. Because if you’re not, she won’t be happy. And her happiness means everything to me.”

“Just as long as you don’t hurt her,” Royal warned.


Betsy grabbed her blue blanket from the bedroom and brought it downstairs. She didn’t know what Ink had said to the boys this morning, but they seemed less suspicious. Although they were no less watchful.

Not that she could blame them.

Ink had gone out to speak to the cops about Jana and the three of them had decided to watch a movie.

She settled on the sectional in the corner as they fought over what to watch. She’d grabbed a handful of popcorn.

“He really is treating you well, Ma?” Baron asked suddenly, making her drop her popcorn.

“Dude, timing,” Royal warned.


“It’s okay,” she said, getting down on her knees to pick up the pieces of popcorn she’d dropped. She put them on the coffee table then sat back on the sofa.

“Ink is the best thing to happen in my life since I met the two of you. The three of you, you’re everything to me. Ink treats me like I’m precious. Like I’m special. He makes me smile.”

“You’re not wearing black all the time,” Royal observed.

She looked down at her pale blue top and white leggings. “No.”

“Smiling is good,” Baron added.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic