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“It is,” she said gently. “Can you guys give him a chance? For me?”

“All right, Ma, we’d do anything for you.” Royal smiled at her.

“But if he hurts you, we’ll fucking bury him,” Baron added.

She didn’t bother to scold him for swearing. With Ink’s potty mouth, she figured it was a lost cause. Instead, she hugged Royal then Baron, ignoring the latter’s complaints. Then they all settled in to watch the movie.


“She what?” Ink asked.

“Completely caved,” Detective Mike Parsons said through the phone. He’d known Mike for a few years now. He was a good man and an excelle

nt detective. “Gave up Myers almost straight away. He started paying her a few months ago to spy on you and give details about your bids.”

“Fuck. That bitch. Is it enough to arrest him?”

“With her statement and the evidence of payments going from him to her, yep. With a good lawyer he might get off without serving jail time.”

“Doesn’t matter, his reputation will be in tatters. That’s what really matters. And Jana?”

“She’s out on bail.”

“Okay, thanks, man.”

“No problem.”

Ink ended the call with a whoop. “Brown eyes!” He strode out of the office towards her desk. The boys had been living with them for close to a week now and things were going pretty good. On Monday they had an appointment to meet with a principal of a school they all seemed to like.

In the meantime, both boys had been coming to work with them each day. Which they seemed to enjoy. Royal hung out mostly with Brody, and Baron had taken a shine to Stone of all people. Even more surprising is that Stone tolerated him.

“What’s up?” she rasped, turning to look up at him with a tremulous smile.

Instantly, concern flooded him.

“Brown eyes, what’s wrong?” He crouched down beside her chair. She was too pale but there were bright red spots on her cheeks and a sheen of sweat across her brow. He reached a hand up to feel her forehead. “You’re burning up!”

“I think I’m coming down with something.”

“Jesus, baby. Why didn’t you say something?”

“I figured I could make it until the end of the day, but I don’t think I can. Do you think you could take me home?”

“Yeah, brown eyes, we’re definitely going home. I’ll get Hack to meet us there.”

“I don’t need a doctor. It’s just the flu or something.”

“I am not taking risks with your health. Just let me check in with Stone and the boys.” He picked her up and carried her into his office, laying her on the couch. He grabbed his phone.

“What’s up?” Stone drawled.

“Betsy’s sick.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Not sure. Gonna get Hack to meet us at home and check her over, can you take over out the front for me and send both boys here?”

“Leave the boys here. We’ll put Royal on reception. Baron, well, he can keep out back.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic