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“Yes, Daddy. I won’t. I promise.”


She started as Ink knocked his knuckles against the kitchen counter in front of her full plate of breakfast, which consisted of thick slices of ham, poached eggs and toast. Way too much for her to eat. However, she hadn’t even started in on it. She’d been too busy thinking over last night. The boys. Finding them a school. Jana.

Ink had declared they were taking the day off from work to help settle the boys in. He’d even made them all breakfast, which had shocked her since she hadn’t known he could cook.

“Brown eyes, I haven’t seen you eat any breakfast yet.”

She was aware of Royal and Baron watching them. Blushing slightly, she reached for her knife and fork. But she couldn’t manage more than two bites.

With a sigh, Ink pulled her plate over to him and started to cut up her food, feeding her a forkful.

“I can feed myself!”

He often fed her, but it was different with the boys here.

Leaning in, he whispered to her quietly. “Eat or I’m going to pull you onto my lap then I’ll feed you. Not trying to embarrass you, but I’m not letting you get away with not eating.”

She started eating.

“So, I’m going to look into some schools for you guys today,” Ink said casually. “Any preferences?”

Royal and Baron were silent. Then Royal cleared his throat. They’d already cleaned their plates.

“We were thinking we’d do online learning.”

“Yeah? You don’t think you’d get bored with that?” Ink asked. “You don’t want to be around kids your own age?”

Baron shrugged. “Most of them suck.”

“How about we look at a few schools, if you hate them all we can look into online learning,” Ink said.

“So that’s it? We’re living here now? You our new daddy?” Baron asked sarcastically.

She choked on a piece of ham and Ink patted her back, holding his hand under her mouth. “Spit it out. Now.”

Embarrassed, she spat it into his hand then took the glass of water he handed her, sipping from it.


“What? We don’t know him,” Baron said to her.

“How are we supposed to trust him?” Royal added.

It hurt her how distrustful they were at just sixteen. Rex then Forrest had taught them to be this way.

“Not trying to be your father,” Ink said calmly. “But yeah, you’re living here now. Figured I’d get some contractors in to turn part of my gym into two bedrooms and a bathroom for the two of you.”

Royal and Baron looked at each other.

“Want to come with me, check it out?”

Both boys nodded and stood. She went to stand as well, but Ink placed a hand on her back. “Let me talk to them alone, brown eyes,” he whispered to her.

She nodded, chewing on her lip worriedly. She knew it was too much to hope that they would instantly get along. But she hoped that they could see that Ink was nothing like Rex or Forrest.

“So, are you like our father?” Baron asked as soon as they entered the gym. “All controlling and shit?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic