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“Stay still,” he growled. “Two more.”

These were the two hardest. Slap! Slap! By now her ass was hot and rosy red and she had collapsed fully on the bed.

After stripping off, he lay back on the bed and lifted her so she was lying on his chest. He ran his hands up and down her back in an attempt to soothe her.

“Shh, brown eyes. It’s all over.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know that was foolish. I just…”

“I know. Your sons were involved. I should never have left you in the truck. I was just worried about what I might find.”

She nodded, quietening. “They’re here now.”

“They are. You’re all safe. I’m going to keep you all that way.” He rolled them onto their sides and kissed away each of her tears. “You took your punishment well. I’m so proud of you.”

She blushed, giving him a small smile and he had to kiss her. When he pulled back, they were both breathless. He moved his mouth down her neck. His cock was hard. He needed to be inside her.

Once he’d plugged her.

He engulfed her hard nipple with his mouth, sucking then scraping his teeth across the firm bud. Mewls of pleasure came from her mouth as he moved to the other nipple. His dick was so hard that he knew if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was going to come all over the bed like a damn teenager.

“Ink?” she asked as he rolled over to grab one of the plugs and the lube from the bedside drawer. He had a series of plugs to stretch her, and he chose one that was only slightly smaller than his dick.

“Yeah, brown eyes?”

“What will we do about Little time? With the boys here?”

He turned back to her, eyeing her as he lubed up the plug. “You don’t want to tell them?”

She shook her head, blushing. “No. At least not yet.”

He’d expected that. “Then we’ll just be discreet. You can have Little time when they’re not here. Once we build their bedrooms downstairs, they won’t need to be up here. We can turn the spare bedroom into a playroom, with a lock,” he added.

She chewed her lip. “Okay.”

“It will work out, brown eyes. Now get on your knees. Forearms resting on the bed. Show me that pink ass.”

“I won’t be able to sit for a week,” she grumbled.

He smacked his hand down on her ass, making her yelp. “All the better to remind you to behave.”

She turned to glare at him over her shoulder. He parted her ass cheeks with a chuckle, readying her first with his fingers before pressing the thick plug inside her. The sight of her slick folds made his dick weep with pre-cum.

Christ. She was so gorgeous.

“Good girl. Damn, you look hot right now. I’m not going to last long.” Once the plug was firmly embedded inside her, he slipped on a condom then cupped his hand over her pussy, toying with her clit. Her sharp breaths filled the room as he took her over the first peak. As she shuddered and cried with her orgasm, he entered her. Her pussy fluttered around him, welcoming him in.

He had to grit his teeth against the tight feel of her.


p; “Hell, baby. Yes. Suck me in.” He grasped hold of her hips, driving deep. He reached around to grab her breast, squeezing her nipple as he fucked her hard. Fast. He slid his hand down her stomach to tease her clit. Felt her clench around him.

“Come again, baby. Come around my cock. Let me feel your pleasure.”

A scream ripped through her. Thank God for sound-proofing. His own roar of pleasure soon followed as he drove deep and came, his orgasm so intense he swore he blacked out for a moment. Finally, he roused himself enough to pull out of her. He cleaned them both up, drawing the plug out and tucked her into bed next to him, her face on his chest.

“Never do that again, Betsy,” he warned in a low voice. “Understand.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic