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Right now, she was grateful that he hadn’t.

Then he snapped his fingers. “Oh wait. I did.”

The look on his face was pure evil. He moved to the door and locked it.

She was in such big trouble.

It might be sadistic of him, but he rather liked the look on her face. Trepidation with a hint of arousal. She deserved this. She’d disobeyed him. It had taken years off his life when he’d discovered the truck missing.

Thank God he had a tracker on it, or he would have gone out of his mind.

But right now, he was going to punish her. Then he was going to fuck her. If he felt better after that, he might let her come.


“Out of bed. Panties and nightie off.”

She watched him carefully, as though hoping to see some sign he was joking. He was not. When he didn’t relent, she climbed from the bed and slowly stripped off. He reached for his belt when she stood there, naked. The heat in the warehouse had been turned up so high it was practically balmy. But he appreciated it in times like this when he could order her to strip and know she was comfortable.

Not that she’d be comfortable for long.

Her eyes tracked his movements, watching as he undid the belt and slipped it off. She swallowed heavily.

“Will it hurt?” her voice was a small whisper.

He stilled, wondering if he was going too far. But Betsy handled all her punishments well. And it was only five swipes. It was the anticipation more than anything else that would build her worry. Would hopefully make her think twice before putting herself in danger.

“It will hurt,” he confirmed. “But I will never give you more than you can take. Remember your safeword?”

She nodded.

“Come here, brown eyes.”

Something like relief filled her gaze and she strode over to him. He pulled her close and kissed her. Hard. Hot.

“After I whip your ass, I’m gonna stick a nice fat plug in your bottom and then I’m going to fuck you. Hard. Now, you take your punishment like a good girl and I’ll let you come. If you don’t, then you’ll be denied an orgasm.”

She made a protesting noise, glaring up at him. He was pretty sure she was more upset at the idea of being denied her pleasure rather than him using his belt on her.


He never wanted to terrify her. Worried was fine. Frightened was not.

“Turn and bend over the edge of the bed. Keep your hands in front of you on the bed or underneath you.”

She let out a slow breath, glanced up at him then down to the bed.

“Now, brown eyes, or I’ll add an extra swipe for each minute of delay.”

With a startled cry, she turned and practically slammed into the bed. She tucked her arms in underneath her, her face against the mattress.


He stepped up to the side of her and lay one hand on the small of her back. “Be very still and quiet and this will be over quickly. Move around, try to get up and you know the consequences. Legs further apart.”

She widened her legs and without delay he delivered a swipe of the belt to her ass. It wasn’t a very hard swat. While he wanted to make an impression, he didn’t want to deliver too much pain.

A gasp escaped her and he gave her the next swipe quickly. Her ass soon turned red. By number three she was crying, her bottom wiggling back and forth.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic