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“I’m always cute, Daddy.”

“That you are. But remember what I said about it only getting you so far.”

He lifted an eyebrow.

“I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

“You are. Come on. Come have your dinner. I made fish fingers and oven fries. Afterwards, we can have a chat about doing what Daddy says.”

Uh-oh, she had a fair idea of what having a chat meant.

“Can Floppy and Stella come to dinner?” she asked.

“Only if they can stop fighting. If not, they’ll have to go into timeout.”

She looked at him in horror, gathering Floppy and Stella up against her chest protectively. “Daddy! That’s not very nice. You can’t put my toys in timeout!”

“You just said that Floppy needed a spanking,” he pointed out.

“I was joking. You can’t put Floppy and Stella in timeout.”

“That’s what will happen if they’re naughty and can’t get along. It’s what happens when Betsy is naughty, isn’t it?”

She sulked. “Yes.”

He held out his hand to her and she crawled out and took it, leaving her toys behind. She didn’t think they could behave themselves so it was better if they just stayed in the teepee. She didn’t want to test whether Daddy was actually serious.

He grabbed the sippy cup of water then led her over to the kitchen counter. Placing the cup on the counter, he pulled out a stool then lifted her onto it. He picked up the bib he’d put next to her plate.

“Daddy, I’m not a baby.”

“No, but this will keep your clothes clean.” He placed the sippy cup beside her. She reached for a fish finger, not really feeling that hungry but knowing he expected her to eat.

His phone rang and with a frown, he answered. “Yeah? What? Where? Fuck, yes, I’ll be there in twenty. Thanks.” He ended the call. Her stomach dropped as he turned his gaze on her.

“What is it?”

“Don’t freak out, brown eyes.”

That was guaranteed to make her freak.

“What is it?”

“Matthieu’s car has just been in an accident.”

The words still rattled in her head as they pulled up behind a cop car with its hazards on. It was now completely dark out, but the flashing of lights from the ambulance and cop cars brightened the area. However, she still couldn’t see the accident site from where they were.

She reached for the door handle as soon as Ink pulled the truck to a stop.

“Don’t even think about it,” Ink barked.

“But my boys are out there! They could be hurt!” She was barely holding it together. It wouldn’t take much to shatter her composure.

“Which is exactly why you’re staying in here while I check what is going on.”

“Ink,” she wailed.

“No,” he snapped, this was the firmest he’d ever been with her. “Let me check it first, brown eyes,” he relented. “Let me do this. I’ll come straight back to you.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic