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“Really? I think you might like that. I’ll look into it. I want all that water gone, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. I really don’t know what you have against juice, Daddy. It comes from oranges. It’s fruit. It’s healthy.”

“And you already drank some at lunch today. Too much juice isn’t good for you.”

“For someone who doesn’t like veggies you sure are worried about what I eat and drink, Daddy.”

“That’s just the way Daddies are. Their Little one’s health will always come first.” He leaned in to brush a kiss across her forehead. “How are Floppy and Stella getting along?”

“Floppy’s pretty jealous,” she admitted. “I’m gonna have to have a word with him, because he’s not being very nice to Stella.”

Ink shook his head. “That’s sad to hear. Floppy needs learn to get along with others.”

“Uh-huh,” she agreed. “Floppy is very stubborn though. He might need a spankin’.”

“Hmm, I know someone else like that.”

“I don’ts need a spankin’, Daddy.”

“That remains to be seen.” He ruffled up her hair and she gave him a suitably disgruntled look in return, before tidying up her hair. “I’m going to make some dinner.”

“You’re making dinner, Daddy?”


“Do you need some help?”

“Thank you for offering but Little girls aren’t allowed to use the stove.”

“I can chop stuff.”

“You most certainly cannot chop stuff,” he told her. “Besides, I’m basically just heating stuff up in the oven.”

She had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling.

“You stay in here and play. I’ll be back soon. Drink your water.”

She took a couple of sips, but then she had to act referee between Floppy and Stella who started fighting over the same outfit.

“Button, dinner is ready.” He appeared in the opening. “We should get you some fairy lights for this teepee.”

She clapped her hands in excitement. “That would look great, Daddy.”

He gave her a smile then his eyes dropped to the still full sippy cup. Uh-oh.

“What did I tell you about drinking your water, button?”

“I wasn’t thirsty, Daddy. I had lots to drink earlier.”

“You had lots of juice. You were told to drink that all up, little girl. Want to tell me why you didn’t do as you were told?”

“I was busy. Floppy and Stella were arguing over the same outfit. Which is just silly since Floppy can’t wear the same clothes as Stella. He’s an elephant, for goodness sake.”

He placed his hand over his mouth and she wondered if he was hiding a smile. The skin around his eyes crinkled like he was smiling. But when he removed his hand, he just looked stern.

“You’re being cute, Elizabeth Victoria.”

Uh-oh. Both her names. In full. That wasn’t a good sign.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic