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He hadn’t wanted her to come. But she’d insisted and he’d given in reluctantly.

So she nodded her assent. Reaching over, he grabbed hold of her chin, turning her to face him. “You stay in the truck. With the doors locked. Do not move, understand? Leave this truck and I welt your ass.”


He gave her a hard kiss. “Reyes, Spike and Razor will be here soon.” He’d called Reyes as they were driving here. “I’ll be back soon.”

She locked the doors behind him. He left the key fob behind.

She watched him leave, trying desperately to see something. Anything.

Where were the boys? Finally, she saw movement. The paramedic who had been standing by the ambulance suddenly took off running.

Holy shit. Had they been found? Ignoring Ink’s threat, she unlocked the door and climbed out. She needed to see them. To ensure they weren’t hurt.

Barely three feet from the front of the truck, an arm wrapped around her from behind. A large hand covered her mouth and a sickly smell assaulted her. She didn’t even manage to scream before she s

lipped off into blackness.


When she came to, she was lying with her head on someone’s lap. Where was she? What was going on?

Suddenly, she nearly went flying and a voice cursed as hands grabbed her, pinning her back against the seat.

“Watch where you’re going, numbskull! You almost tossed her off the seat!”

“You should have belted her in!”

“Maybe I would have if there had been time. But we had to get the fuck out of there before that big beast got back.”

The driver took another corner too fast. Swear words spilled from his lips and she sat up.

“Royal Maston Harrison! Who the hell taught you those words!”

Royal turned to gape at her.

“And keep your eyes on the road!”

“Yeah, bro, you’re gonna ‘cause another fucking accident.”

She turned to the boy sitting next to her. “And you watch your language too, Baron.”

“Ahh, Ma, we’re men,” Baron wheedled. “Men swear.”

“You never used to speak like that.”

“Sure we did, Ma,” Royal told her. “We just didn’t swear in front of you.”

“You were meant to be sleeping. Didn’t you give her a big enough dose, bro?” Baron asked.

“Didn’t want to. She’s tiny. Didn’t want her to sleep for a fucking week.”

She gasped as she remembered what had happened. “You little ratbags! You drugged me! You terrified me half to death.” She looked around. “Wait, are we in Ink’s truck? You stole Ink’s truck?”

“Idiot left his key fob in here. What else were we meant to do?” Baron asked in a reasonable voice.

“What else? What else? Baron, the two of you stole Ink’s truck. You drugged me! Not to mention Matthieu’s car, which you crashed. Are you both okay? Are you injured?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic