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A tea set had been set up on a blanket in the middle of the room. A doll, a worn-looking monkey and a giant unicor

n sat around the blanket.

“What do you think?” Sunny whispered. “I mean, I thought you might like to play for a bit. But it’s okay if you’d rather not.”

She turned to see Sunny watching her worriedly and she realized how nervous she had to be, letting Betsy in here. Showing her a place that was precious to her.

“I love it, Sunny. I’m totally jealous. Although Ink did take me shopping for some toys yesterday.”

“Ooh, what did you get? Tell me.” Sunny shut the door behind her and they settled in at the tea party while Betsy told her about the shopping trip.

“I think I need a teepee!” Sunny said. “That sounds awesome.”

“I think I need a giant unicorn,” Betsy countered, patting the big toy beside her.

“That’s sparkle pony. When we bought him, we had Spike’s truck. Duke took a photo of him riding around in the back with his head out the window and sent it to Spike. I think he’s got a soft spot for him now.”

She had to giggle at big, terrifying Spike having a soft spot for a stuffed unicorn. They played until Duke came and got them, dragging them out to eat. By the time lunch was over, and they’d ridden home she was feeling tired but happy.

“It’s a bit late for a nap today, button,” Ink said as they walked into the living area of his home. “Why don’t you go play quietly for a bit while I check my emails.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said happily before walking over to her teepee.

Ink had set it up in the living room, which she’d been a bit embarrassed about, but it didn’t seem like he got visitors all that often. She’d left some toys in there from when she’d been playing in it this morning while Ink made breakfast.

She climbed back in and grabbed Floppy, giving him a big hug. “Missed you, Floppy. And you too, Stella.” She grabbed her doll, hugging her too.

She’d been playing for a while when Ink crouched down, looking in.

“Hello, what’s going on in here?”

“Daddy, I’m doing Stella’s hair.” Her tongue poked out in concentration as she braided the doll’s long, red hair.

“It looks beautiful. I brought you a drink.” He handed over the sippy cup.



“I want juice.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Well, button, you don’t always get what you want, do you?”

She pouted. “Not thirsty.” Stupid water.

“Button, do you need to spend some time in the corner?”

Really? Why did he keep asking her things like that?

“I don’t need to go to the corner, Daddy.”

“Then put that lip away and drink your water,” he said sternly.

She sighed. It was a long, drawn-out affair.

“Does Daddy need to go buy you a bottle to drink from?”

She gaped at him. “No.” Although maybe…

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic