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He didn’t need to worry about that.

“Let’s get this helmet on you.”

“Where’s yours, Daddy?”

“I don’t have one.”

She frowned. “Then how comes I got to have one?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Because you’re my precious button, that’s why. And I’m always going to take care of you.”

When she climbed on behind him, she wrapped her hands around him tight, turning her head and resting it on his back. The bike started up with a purr. It rumbled beneath her.

Her breath caught as the garage door opened and he moved them out onto the road with a roar. They whipped down the streets, her body moving with his.

Holy. Hell.

She loved it. A huge smile filled her face as she breathed in the air.

This. This was freedom.

And she never wanted to let it go.

When they reached a wide street in the suburbs that had small houses set on big sections, Ink began to slow down.

This is where Duke and Sunny lived? It was so cute. So normal. Ink turned his bike into a driveway with a well-kept house and tidy yard. It had a small porch out front and was painted gray with white trim. This house was so Sunny.

And so not Duke.

She climbed off the bike and Ink removed her helmet. She smoothed down her hair.

“I don’t think I need a helmet next time,” she muttered.

“That is not up for negotiation, button.”

The front door opened and Sunny bounded down the steps with a smile. “Betsy!”

“Hi, Sunny.”

She didn’t know why, but she felt a bit shy. Maybe it was because it was a new place or perhaps it was because she was meeting the rest of Ink’s friends today. She wasn’t sure. But she found herself slipping her hand into Ink’s big one.

Hopefully, Sunny didn’t take offence at her reserve. But the other woman just gave her a knowing look. “How was the ride?”

“Oh, it was really good.”

“It’s fun, right?” Sunny pouted. “Duke still won’t let me ride my bike.”

“I don’t think I’d like my own bike,” Betsy said, glancing over at Ink. “It’s too much fun riding on the back.”

Sunny nodded. “You’re right about that. The others are all on the back porch where Duke is grilling but do you want a tour first?”

Betsy looked to Ink who gave her a small smile of encouragement.

“Yes, please.”

Sunny took her on a whirlwind tour that ended outside a closed door. “Okay, all that other stuff was boring. This is the best room in the house.” Sunny opened the door. “Welcome to my play room.”

Walking in, Betsy took it all in. Covering all of one wall and half of the next wall was a scene from Alice in Wonderland. There was a white desk and chair and a colorful rug on the floor. A doll’s house rested against one wall. Then in another area there was a doll’s cot, high chair and a gorgeous old-fashioned looking stroller.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic