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“But you cants be in here!”

He sighed and shook his head. “Button, I’ve had my finger in your bottom. I intend to have my dick in there. I’ve washed every inch of you. Do you really think you can’t pee in front of me?”

Well, it did sound silly when he put it like that. And she couldn’t hold on much longer. Still, it was embarrassing as heck. But after she peed, he thankfully let her clean herself up, disappearing into the bedroom. She moved into the bedroom, to find the blankets pulled down and Floppy and her blanket on the bed. She climbed into bed, leaning back against the headboard. He’d drawn the curtains across and it was fairly dark in here.

Where had he gone?

Then he walked in, carrying the sippy cup he’d insisted on buying as well as the children’s book of fairytales. He’d also bought her a special plate with an elephant on it, and a bib even though she’d insisted she was old enough to eat without it.

He handed her the sippy cup filled with water. “Drink up, you haven’t drunk enough today.”

She brought the sippy cup to her lips. It was weird drinking from it, but she didn’t dislike it. After she’d finished, he took it from her and set it on the bedside table.

“Lie down, button. Daddy will tuck you in.”

A sigh of satisfaction left her as he tucked the blankets tightly around her. She could get used to this. Sitting on the bed next to her, he leaned against the headboard and started to read.

It wasn’t long at all until she was drifting off.


Betsy bounced around on her feet.

Ink chuckled as he grabbed out a long-sleeved charcoal Henley and pulled it on. Okay, that was hot. It molded to his muscles, highlighting his biceps and pecs.


“Brown eyes, you keep staring at me like that and we won’t be going anywhere but back to bed.”

She glanced over at the bed longingly. “That’s tempting.” She turned back to him. “But I want to go for a ride more.”

“I think I was just insulted. My girl would rather ride my hog than me.” His eyes twinkled.

She strode towards him, trying to put some swing in her hips. She didn’t have much to swing and she probably looked ridiculous. But he didn’t seem to mind as his gaze tracked her movements. When she was close, she walked her fingers up his chest to run them along the tattoo that peeked over the top.

“Do you mind?”

He grasped her around the hips, dragging her closer. Then he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he kissed her. It was fiery. It engulfed her. Swept her away. When he drew back, he was smirking. “Still think you’d rather ride my hog?”

“Hog? What hog?”

A bark of laughter filled the room. She loved when he laughed. He looked so carefree. Setting her down, he gave her a slap on the ass.

“Hey!” She rubbed her ass with a mock-scowl.

“Come on, brat. Let’s go.” He took hold of her hand and led her out of the bedroom and down the stairs. They were both dressed in long-sleeves and jeans. Their motorcycle gear was in a cupboard by the stairs. He pointed at a bench. “Sit, button.”

He held out her boots, helping her put each one on and brushing away her hands when she tried to do up the laces. “Daddy’s job.”

Happiness filled her as he got them both ready. He drew out her new jacket and slid it on her then he grabbed a long-sleeved black jacket for himself.

“You’re not wearing your cut?” she asked curiously. She hadn’t seen it yet. They were going to ride over to Sunny and Duke’s for a BBQ. They hosted one every few weeks at their house for the guys.

“My cut? No, I usually only wear it at the compound and bar or for other club stuff.” He took her hand in his and led her to the elevator. She loved the way he held her hand, as though worried she might disappear on him.

That was never going to happen.

When they reached the garage, he grabbed a helmet from the bench along the wall. It was white and peach like her jacket. Then he walked her over to the bike, showing her where to put her feet. “Remember to hold on tight to Daddy.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic