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“It’s got to be something,” he said.

“I…I…it’s just a lot and I don’t know where to start and I…”

“Oh, button, you’re exhausted and overwhelmed, huh?”

She nodded.

“You’re well overdue for your nap. It was too much for one small button to do in a day.” He stood with her in his arms. “Let’s put you down. You can have a nice sleep and Daddy will sort this all out. Well, except the house shit. I’ll leave that to you.”

“No, I should help.” She wiggled in his arms. Even though she was tired she didn’t want to nap. “I don’t need a nap.”

“You do need a nap,” he said firmly. “Stop moving around. Now, who would you like to take a nap with?”

She blinked up at him. “You?”

He grinned, his eyes dancing. “Much as I like the idea of that, button, I don’t think either of us would get any sleep. I meant which of your new toys would you like to sleep with?”

A blush filled her cheeks. “I want to sleep with Floppy.” That’s what she’d finally named her elephant.

“Ahh, he’s upstairs, isn’t he?”

She nodded as he started up the stairs. “I’ll get the teepee all set up for you so when you wake up you can have some quiet play time.”

He walked through his bedroom and into the bathroom.

“I thought we were going on a ride.” She really wanted to break in her new motorcycle gear.


“Nooo,” she grizzled. Hmm, now she sounded like a cranky toddler.

Ink must have thought so too as he set her on her feet with a sharp slap to her ass. Then without warning, he drew down her yoga pants and panties.

“What are you doing?” she squealed.

“You need to go.” He pointed at the toilet.

“I don’t.” How did he know she needed the bathroom?

“You were shifting around in the truck the whole drive home. I told y

ou to go at the mall, didn’t I?”

He had, but for some reason she’d felt rebellious over the order.

“Sit. Go.” He gave her a firm look that told her he wasn’t joking around.

To her shock, once she sat on the toilet, he crouched in front of her and pulled her pants and panties off her feet.

“What are you doing?” She had to work hard to hold it in. She wasn’t peeing in front of him!

“You don’t need these to nap in and when you wake up, we’ll put some of your new panties and pants on.”

She wasn’t so sure she wanted to nap with a bare bottom but didn’t argue.

“Daddy, I needs to go.”

“I know. That’s why you’re on the toilet,” he replied reasonably.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic