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She blushed even though no one could have heard him. She liked having him hold her hand. The hair salon wasn’t far from a big mall, so they’d parked there and walked along. Now, he led her into the mall towards a huge houseware store.

“Are you sure you want me to pick out stuff? It’s your home and I…”

He came to a stop and drew her over to where there was a small alcove with chairs. His eyes were fierce as he glared down at her. “It is not my home anymore. It’s ours. And I want you to be comfortable in it. Before, I never spent much time in it. That’s going to change. You need house shit to feel at home, then that’s what you’re getting. And if you don’t get exactly what you want, then I’m taking you out to the truck and putting you over my knee. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good,” he grunted.

They spent the next hour shopping for things like rugs and cushions and kitchen crap as Ink called it. She’d learned not to pick up everything she admired because he would just add it to the pile. She had to bite her lip not to say anything as the sales lady tallied it up.

“Just as well you brought the truck, Daddy,” she said as he loaded everything up. She wasn’t allowed to help. “Are we still going for a ride on your bike this afternoon?”

“Hmm, we need to get you a jacket, pants and helmet before we can do that. And we’ve still got to go to the toy shop and buy you new clothes. Might depend on how long you sleep for.”

“Sleep? Why would I sleep?”

“You’re taking a nap this afternoon, of course.”

Of course? “I don’t need a nap.” Her foot stomped down on the ground.

He raised an eyebrow and looked down at her foot. “I would say that you definitely do need a nap. And if we didn’t desperately need to get you some clothes and toys, I’d take you right home now and put you to bed.” He laid a finger on her lips. “No more arguing.”

She glared up at him and he turned her back towards the mall entrance, landing a sharp smack on her ass.

She yelped and reached back to rub her bottom. “Mean Daddy.”

“Very mean,” he agreed, grinning. “Come on, let’s go buy you some more toys. One little elephant isn’t going to cut it.”


Buy some toys?

She was pretty certain they’d bought out the toy shop. There were stuffies, more coloring books, pens, play dough, Legos and a gorgeous dollhouse that she couldn’t wait to organize.

But her favorite thing was the teepee. As soon as she’d seen it, she couldn’t take her eyes off it. It was a peachy-pink color with white polka-dots. Ink had seen her basically drooling over it. She’d actually got her ass popped in the toy shop when she’d attempted to leave it behind.

But she was glad for it.

Not for the smack on her butt. That had been embarrassing. Especially when an older lady had stood there, staring at them in shock.

But he’d bought it.

And some soft pink cushions for the bottom, along with a polka-dot, pale blue blanket. Once it was set up, she was going to curl up inside it.

After the toy shop, they’d gone clothes shopping. Three clothing stores and she’d ended up with so much stuff she didn’t know what she would do with it all. And surprisingly, most of it wasn’t black.

She loved the leather jacket, gloves, boots and helmet he’d gotten from the motorcycle shop. The jacket was white with peach stripes and the boots were basically the sexiest things she’d ever owned.

But now she was exhausted. And the thought of unpacking everything made her want to cry.

She stood in the kitchen looking around at all the bags of stuff that Ink insisted on bringing up by himself and felt overwhelmed.

“Hey, button, what’s wrong?” With an alarmed look on his face, Ink hurried over to her, drawing her into his chest. She pressed her face against his chest.


He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the sofa. Sitting, he settled her on his lap. He ran his hand up and down her back.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic