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She slid off his lap and handed him the papers she’d been carrying. “I saw something odd in the accounts. See here, last month, Jana put in these receipts for reimbursement. But the same amount was also taken off the company credit card. And some of the things she said she purchased we don’t even have.”

He sat up, looking over the stuff she’d printed out. “That bitch! She was double dipping.”


“Putting in receipts for things she didn’t pay for. And likely things that we haven’t even got in stock because she probably returned them for cash. Fuck! I should have been keeping a closer eye on the accounts. Shit!”

She rubbed her hand over his shoulder. “It’s not your fault.”

“It fucking is. Christ. What else was she doing? Shit! Stone is right. Should have fired her ass a long time ago. I’m going to get Brody to look some more into her.” He stood and kissed her quickly. “Thank you, baby. You did good.”

“Good catch with Jana today, brown eyes,” he praised as he drove them home.

“I’m glad I could help. I feel like I owe you so much.”

“Not the way it works. There’s no keeping track of things.”

She sighed and nodded. “I like that.”

“Me too,” he rumbled as they pulled into his garage. He was always watchful when they drove home, taking different routes each time.

“What will you do about her?”

“Well, I’ve got a suspicion that she might have been doing more than just double dipping. She lived beyond her means, so she was getting money from somewhere. More than she was getting from fleecing me.”

“I’m so sorry, Ink.”

“Not your fault, brown eyes. I’ve got one of the guys following her. On Monday, I’ll take this to the cops. Let them deal with her. I can’t be bothered with her shit.”

He climbed out of the truck and she stayed where she was, having learned not to get out of the truck on her own. They had his truck rather than the car they’d driven here on the first night.

He opened her door, then reached over to undo her belt, lifting her out. She had to admit that she loved when he picked her up and moved her around.

Taking hold of her hand, he led her past his bike. She ran her fingers over it.

“Like it?”

“Oh yeah.”

“I’ll take you for a ride this weekend.”

She was glad it was Friday night. It would be good to spend uninterrupted time with him. “Is it safe?”

“Betsy, I’d never do anything to put you at risk.”

She knew that. Everything he did was for her.

And she was so glad she’d found him.


Betsy picked at the breakfast sandwich. They were unappetizing, but that wasn’t the issue. Her stomach was just too tight to manage more than a bite or two of food.

“I know it’s not the nicest breakfast, but you need to eat more than that, brown eyes.” Ink placed her multivitamin and iron supplement next to her plate.

She groaned at the sight of the huge pills. “Why do they make these things so big?” She picked one up and swallowed it down with plenty of coffee. The other one followed but they sat like lumps of lead in her stomach.

Ink reached over and pulled her plate over, cutting the breakfast sandwich into bite-sized bits.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic