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Crap. That was going to be a tough one. He raised an eyebrow as she hesitated.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Bet your bottom is sore, huh?”

She glared at him.

Asshole just grinned. The phone rang again. He sighed. “If you don’t mind, I really could use some help.”

She bit her lip worriedly.

Reaching out, he pulled her lip. “You can do this, Betsy.” There was no hint of worry in his face.

“What if I mess up?”

He shrugged. “What if you do? There’s not much you can mess up that we can’t fix.”

Setting her down on the sofa, he stood and walked over to the viewing window that looked through to the reception area. He lifted up the shades that had been slid down for privacy. “The front door is always locked and clients have to buzz in. Employees have their own codes. You won’t let anyone in, I’ll do it. Don’t leave the desk. You need to eat, come get me. You need to pee, come get me. Got it?”

She nodded, knowing that he was just worried about her.

“Right, I’ll show you what to do.”

“Ink? Can I ask you a question about something?”

Glancing up from his computer, he crooked a finger at Betsy. “Come here.”

He needed a distraction from the stress of wondering where the fuck Royal and Baron were. Where had they gone? Since Matthieu’s car hadn’t been found, he guessed they were still driving it. It was an older car and unfortunately didn’t have GPS that Brody could track.

She gave him a suspicious look. “Uh-uh. I’m working. If I come over there, you’re just going to pull me onto your lap and kiss me.”

“And you’re complaining about that?”

A grin filled her face. He loved that she smiled now.

“My boss might get angry.”

He’d been surprised by how easily she’d picked up everything over the past few days. Not that she wasn’t smart, but she’d never held an office job. Clients loved her. The guys loved her. And he could keep an eye on her from in his office.

“Hmm, is he a hard taskmaster?” he asked.


“Poor baby. What will he do if he catches you neglecting your job?”

“I don’t know.” She looked around obviously making sure they were alone. “But he might spank me.”

“How terrible,” he said with mock-horror. “Here’s the thing, though, if you don’t come sit on my lap and kiss me, I definitely will spank you.”

“How dare you!” she said with a grin as she made her way towards him. “I am suitably outraged.” She straddled his lap and he drew her close, setting the papers she carried down on the desk before reaching around to massage her ass.

“Damn, brown eyes, you feel so damn good. Now kiss me.”

She leaned in, kissing him softly at first before slipping her tongue into his mouth. By the time she drew back, he was rock hard and considering calling it a day. At only eleven in the morning. Shit. How was he going to last all day?

“I need to ask you about something. Ink? Are you listening?”

“I’m listening.” He tried to focus.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic