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“I can’t eat it,” she told him. “My stomach can’t take any more.”

He studied her for a long moment. “Want to have a Little weekend?”

“A Little weekend?”

“Hmm, I was thinking popcorn, movies, lots of playtime. Although none of the stuff you’ve ordered has arrived so we should probably go shopping this morning.”

“Uh-huh. We could also go grocery shopping,” she suggested. “I can cook.”

“You can cook?”


“I don’t want you to feel you have to cook. Ordering in is fine.”

If you had a cast iron stomach, but take-out food was often too oily or salty for her sensitive stomach.

“I…I don’t. Truth is, I like cooking.”


She nodded shyly.

“Well, brown eyes, don’t let me stop you. We’ll go toy shopping and grocery shopping. Clothes shopping too. And if there’s anything else you want for the house, write it down. I haven’t got anything to cook with.”

She worried at her lip. “Okay.”

“So what did you already order online?”

“Umm.” Crap.

He raised an eyebrow. “Betsy.”

Crap. Shit.

“I didn’t order anything,” she blurted out.

“Excuse me?” The words were spoken in a low voice.

“I…I didn’t want to spend your money on me.”

His face hardened as he pointed at the corner. “Timeout. Now. Fifteen minutes. Go.”

Her mouth dropped open. He had to be kidding.

“Now. Or you’ll be standing in the corner with a red ass.”

She slid off the bar stool and walked over to the corner.

“Pants and panties down. When you’re in the corner, your bottom should be bare, your legs apart and your nose pressed to the wall.”

Her face went bright red, but she did what he said. Jesus. What a sight she must make with her naked ass poking out.

Minutes ticked by so slowly and she had to force herself not to fidget. She hated that she’d disappointed him.

“Come here, button.”

Turning, she saw him sitting on the sectional, one arm resting along the back. She reached down to pull up her pants and panties.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic