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Smack! Smack!

“What are your rules, Betsy?” he asked.

Smack! Smack!

“Not to go anywhere without permission.?


Smack! Smack!


“Not to talk badly about myself.”

Smack! Smack!

“Failed that one, didn’t you?” he drawled.

Oh yes. She had.


“Umm. Umm.”

“Betsy,” he warned, stilling. “What else?”

“No lies. I have to answer honestly.”

“Good girl.” His hand smacked down several more times until she was close to tears.

The phone rang again as she tried to control her breaths. He turned her over and she wriggled around on his lap.

“Stay still,” he commanded.

“Your phone—”

“Will wait. Everything can wait. Because you come first.”

The intent look on his face told her he meant every word.

“Here are a few more rules,” he told her.

“I really don’t think I need them.”

“I really think you do. I win.”

She narrowed her gaze at him. Competitive as always. “If you need something from me, you will ask rather than act out. Understand? And the only acceptable answer is Yes, Daddy.”

She sighed. “Yes, Daddy.”

“You will take your vitamins without argument or you are going to find yourself with suppositories that I will administer each morning.”

Her mouth dropped open then closed. She’d balked over taking them that morning. “Yes, Daddy.”

The phone rang again.

“No skipping meals or snacks.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic