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In due time. She wasn’t above a bit of teasing of her own. She straddled him, pressing her hands against his shoulders as she played with the pierced nipple before moving to the other one. Then she made her way down his abs. Licking, nipping lightly. Heat licked at her insides.

She slid back, running her wet pussy lips over his shaft. They both groaned as the tip of him brushed against her clit.

“Oh hell. Oh hell.” She leaned over him, kissing his neck. Then she reached down and grasped hold of his shaft, gu

iding it into her pussy.

“Damn, baby. I know you haven’t had any in a while but you are so damn tight.”

“All I’ve had is my fingers,” she told him, shocking herself. “They’re not very big.”

He barked out a laugh then grasped her around the hips, stilling her. “No they are not.”

Moving one hand, he strummed at her clit, helping relax her so she took more of him in.

So good. So good.

Finally, she took him deep. She had to take a minute to catch her breath. “I need to build up my stamina.”

“Practice, lots of fucking practice. You feel so damn good around me. But I need you to move.”

His hands kept her moving up and down on his shaft, his words of encouragement pulled her closer and closer to orgasm. The room around her spun.

“Breathe, baby. Breathe.”

His finger strummed at her clit. So close. So close.

“Gonna come, babe. You need to come first.”

“Yes! Oh please!” she screamed as she came.

He drove himself deep with a roar, coming inside her and setting her own orgasm off. She clenched down around him, loving the feel of him inside her as she collapsed forward on his chest. His arms wrapped around her, and still inside her, he rolled them to their sides.

Holding her close, enveloping her, keeping her with him.



“What are you coloring, baby?” Ink asked, walking over to sit beside her on the couch.

They’d stopped on the way into work that morning to buy a coloring book and pens for her. She’d been worried about people walking in, but hey, adults colored too, right? And so far, everyone had knocked and waited for Ink to call them in, which had given her a chance to hide her stuff.

“An alpaca doing the floss.”

“Alpacas can floss?”

“Well, not in real life, obviously, Daddy.”

Silly Daddy.

“Can you floss?” he asked.

She glanced up at him. “If you’re talking flossing your teeth, yep. I does it every night. I’m a big girl.”

He sat back on the sofa, arms out along the top, looking like a sexy devil waiting to be worshipped. “You know that wasn’t what I was talking about, brat. Can you floss dance?”

Drat. “Kind of.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic