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The look on his face as he watched her was one of hunger. Pure, wicked hunger.

“I’m not…I mean…I haven’t had sex in a long time.”

His face softened. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take it easy on you. Want a taste?”

He nodded down at his cock. Did she want a taste? Hell, yes.

“Yes, please.”

“Always so polite. Even when she’s about to suck cock. Grab a pillow and come here.” He crooked a finger at her. She reached back and snagged a pillow. There was only one. Did she have his other pillow on her bed?

She might have slept better had she known that. Or maybe not.

Moving towards him, she clasped the pillow tight to her chest, breathing in the scent of him.

“Drop the pillow and kneel.”

The pillow slipped from her hands and she knelt down before him, her eyes level with his dick. She couldn’t sit back on her haunches or she would be too short to take him into her mouth properly.

“Lick it,” he commanded.

Thank God he was taking charge because she couldn’t think where to start. She licked her tongue over the head of his shaft, humming at the taste of him.

It was slightly salty but definitely not gross like Rex.

Okay, stop thinking about him.

“That’s it, lick your way down the shaft. Good girl, very nice. Explore. Reach up and cup my balls, gently though. Yeah, baby. That’s it.”

She loved how his voice grew rough with his arousal. His need.

She was doing that to him.

“Take the head into your mouth. Good girl. Just take as much as you can. That’s it. Christ, you make a damn delicious sight.” He gently thrust in and out of her mouth. “Keep your mouth open. That’s it. Just relax. Don’t worry, I won’t go further than you’re comfortable with. Damn. Yes.”

He drew out suddenly and she whimpered. She’d wanted to taste him. Wanted to keep going. She felt…powerful. Desired.

“Get on the bed, baby. I need to be in your pussy before I come.”

She took the hand he held and scrambled up. He moved onto his back on the bed and patted his lower belly. “Get that cute ass over here and ride your man.”

Surprise filled her. He must have seen the look because he raised his eyebrows. “Problem, brown eyes?”

“No, Sir, I just thought…”

“Figured this first time, you could set the pace. But don’t get used to it.”

His understanding sent tears flooding into her eyes.

“Shit! What’s wrong? What’d I say? You want me to fuck you? I can do that.” He sat up, reaching for her and tumbling her onto his lap. “What is it?”

“Nothing, Sir. I just…you’re perfect.”

He snorted out a laugh. “Never heard that one before.”

She laid kisses over his chest, tracing her tongue over a tattoo then she moved down to his pierced nipple. She flicked the piercing and he groaned and lay back. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table and she watched hungrily as he rolled it over his dick. He set his hands behind his head.

“Fuck me, baby.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic