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“Show me.”

Oh no.

“Aren’t you supposed to be working, Daddy?”

“I can spare a few minutes to watch my baby girl floss.”

“I can’t. I is too busy coloring.” If she hadn’t been before, she was now.

“You can stop for a minute.”

She shook her head. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not happening. “My picture needs something. I think it needs glitter.”

“No glitter,” he growled. “It took days to clean it all out of the safe room.”

Her lower lip dropped and he reached over to tap it. “Less pouting. More flossing.”

Crap. He wasn’t going to let this go, was he?

Standing, she dragged her feet as she moved into the middle of the room. “Can you floss, Daddy?”


“Maybe I’ll have to teach you. Maybe you can use some moves for the dance floor.”

He grinned. “I promise that if I have you out of the dance floor it won’t be to do the floss.”

A shiver moved through her. She wondered what he was like on the dance floor? Hot. Extremely hot.

“I’ll have to take you dancing one day.”

“Don’t the Iron Shadows have a bar? Do they dance there? What’s it called anyway?”

“Reapers. And it’s not the sort of bar that has a dance floor.”

“Reapers? Really?”

“Not sure it’s your sort of place. It’s kind of rough.”

“It’s dangerous?”

“Not for you,” he growled. “No one would dare touch you.”

“Then I want to go. It’s important to you, right?”

He shrugged. “Used to spend every Saturday night there. Now I’ve got somewhere else I’d rather be.”

The look he gave her made her insides dance. “Still, I’d like to go. One day.”

He nodded. “I’ll take you one day. Now stop stalling and show Daddy your moves.”

“I wasn’t stalling.” She totally was. “Okay, here goes.” She started rocking her hips back and forth and moving her arms. God, she hoped she didn’t look like an idiot.

After a few seconds she stopped. Ink had sat forward to watch her. He started clapping. “Damn, baby got moves.”

She perched a hand on her hip, pulling up some attitude. “Got more moves than that.”

“Now that I’ve got to see,” he murmured. He stood but then his phone rang. “Crap. One minute.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic