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Finally, he thrust two fingers deep, curling them over that spot as his tongue circled her clit lightly.

“Please. Please. Please.”

“Do you need to come, brown eyes?”

She’d needed to come pretty much ten seconds after he’d put his tongue on her clit. She was beyond needing it. Way, way beyond.

“Yes. Oh please. Yes.”

“Remember to wait until I give you permission to come. If you come without it, then I’m going to have to put you in the corner with a butterfly vibe set to low. It will stimulate you but not be enough to send you over. You don’t want that, do you?”

She shook her head. “Nooo.”

But she had no idea how to hold off when she was already so overstimulated. He returned to her clit and his tongue seemed to be firmer, faster. She was so close. She cried out, throwing her head back, straining not to come.

Her thighs shook, her entire body was tight. Please. Please.

“Come, baby. Come hard for me.” He drove his fingers inside her as he spoke, his tongue returning to her clit. It sent her flying. She came. So hard, she forgot to breathe. Then a second orgasm followed, even more powerful than the first. Her pussy rippled around his fingers. Wanting more. Wanting to be filled.

“Good girl. Such a good girl. You come as often as you need. That’s it.” He lightly pulled her nipple into his mouth to suckle as he used his thumb to circle her clit.

She couldn’t again. It was too much. His thumb moved just under her clit, brushing back and forth as he tongued her nipple with gentle strokes. To her shock, his gentle coaxing brought forward a third orgasm. This one moved through her in softer ripples, but it lasted longer than the others. And she came back to Earth to find herself sitting on Ink’s lap, her face pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

“Good girl. Such a good girl.” He ran his hand through her hair. She sighed happily, feeling limp with satisfaction.

“You’re mean,” she muttered.

His chest moved as he laughed. “Really? By my count, you came three times. Hmm, I think we might have different definitions of mean.”

“You made me wait.”

“You were naughty,” he replied. “Although it won’t always be a punishment. Sometimes I’ll make you wait just for the pleasure of listening to you beg me, of hearing those cries coming from your lips. The way your pussy clenches around me, desperate for more.”

She knew she was blushing. She still wasn’t used to someone speaking like this to her.

She kind of liked it.

“I think I was right when I said you were mean,” she said primly.

Ink set her on the bed and she let out a protesting noise, reaching for him.

“Shh, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” He stood and started to strip off his jeans. Then his boxers followed.

And so did her mind. It completely blanked out as she stared at him. That model face, the muscular body. The tattoos that covered his chest and arms.

It sent her mind spiraling.

“Like what you see, baby?” he murmured, reaching down to wrap his hand around his monster of a cock.

Yep. She went there. It was a monster.

“Holy. Shit. Rex was so much smaller than you are.”

He chuckled. “Damn, brown eyes. That just made my day.”

She eyed him as he stood there, a gorgeous man who for some reason was attracted to her. Wanted her. It was a heady feeling. He ran his hand up his shaft.

Holy. Hell.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic