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She risked a glance up at him. Yep. It seemed he was.

“And I saw that look, brown eyes. Come kneel here.” He crooked a finger at her then pointed to the bed in front of him. She shuffled down then got into position before him.

> “Fucking beautiful. Put your hands behind your back and keep them there. Move them and you delay your orgasm, understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her breath grew fast as he ran a finger over her right nipple then her left. The touch was light, not nearly enough, and she groaned.

“You want more, brown eyes? Do you want me to squeeze and tug at your nipples? Or maybe take them into my mouth and suck?”

“Both. All,” she managed to get out as he tugged lightly at her left nipple. A cry escaped her lips as the slight bite of pain made her clit throb.

“My baby likes a little bite of pain, doesn’t she?” he murmured as he twisted her other nipple. “Not too much, though. Need a delicate touch so as not to push her over.”

Christ, how did he know her so well?

He cupped her breast, holding it up. “Gonna suck at these until they’re swollen. Until your pussy is slick with your dew and you’re begging me for more. Begging to feel my fingers fucking you. My cock thrusting deep inside you.”

She wasn’t far away from doing that now. He bent down and latched onto her nipple and she groaned. She slid her hands into his hair, holding him to her as he sucked then licked. A slight scrape of his teeth had her breath hitching.

He drew back to glare up at her. “Where should your hands be?”


She moved them behind her back and gave him a hopeful look. “Do I get a warning first?”

“You do not,” he rumbled back. “What you get is a delayed orgasm.”

“What if I can’t hold it off?” she asked. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Time you learned then, brown eyes. You are not to come without permission. Now hush, Daddy is feasting.”

Holy crap. She swore she just came a little.

“Damn, baby. You really are going to find this difficult, aren’t you?” He sighed as though sad for her, shaking his head. “Sucks to be you.”

Yeah, considering he was now lapping at her other nipple like it was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted she wasn’t so sure about that. But as he continued to suck, lick and bite, her ability to keep herself still eroded. She thrust her hips towards him, needing his touch there.

She pressed her thighs together, rubbing, needing some friction.

“Uh-uh.” He slapped the side of her thigh. “Keep those legs open. I want a taste.”

A taste? Oh shit.

“On your ass, feet on the floor, legs spread wide,” he ordered her.

She moved quickly, getting into position, needing his tongue on her, tasting her, taking from her.

He knelt on the floor between her legs. It should have put her in the dominant position.

It did not.

There was no mistaking who was in charge. He clamped down on her thighs, moving them further apart then he ran his tongue along her dew-covered slit.

Then the torture began. He took her up to the edge over and over again. Flicking at her clit, running his tongue along her folds before pressing it deep inside her. She’d never been tongue-fucked before.

Now, she thought she’d never get enough.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic