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“All the more reason to do it.”

Ink wasn’t a fan of Mama. Well, of her teachings since he hadn’t met her. Mama wouldn’t have been a fan of Ink with his tattoos, his tendency to do his own thing without caring about what anyone else thought.

If there was one thing Mama had cared about, and it certainly hadn’t been her daughter, it was what other people thought of her.

“This is me.” He pointed at the stick figure. “I stand between you and everyone else. Between you and danger. When you look at this table, then you’ll know that I will always be here, protecting you.”

“You can’t promise me that. Things happen.” Her hands wrapped together, worrying at each other.

To her surprise, he didn’t immediately blow that off. Didn’t tell her that she shouldn’t worry. Instead, he gave a nod. “Things happen. If they do, if we’re separated and you’re in danger, then I’ll fight to get to you. Understand me? I’ll always fight for you. I just need you to fight for me too.”

“Me? I can’t protect you.” She didn’t know the first thing about fighting.

“Maybe not physically, brown eyes. But you can fight to keep yourself alive. To keep yourself safe. You cannot give in. Never give in, Betsy. Because I’m coming. That’s my promise. I am always going to do my best to protect you. But if something happens, and I can’t, then I promise I will come for you. All you have to promise is to hold on until I get there.”

She stared at him, her vision blurring with tears. The promise was one she’d never have imagined making before. Her life had always had an expiration date. Everyone’s did, of course. But she’d known hers wouldn’t come from old age or sickness or an accident.

No, hers would come when her usefulness ran out.

She’d accepted that fate a long time ago. Behind one monster there was always a bigger, nastier one.

Only now…she had a knight ready to fight the monster. For her. A knight who was covered in tattoos, with darkness in his eyes yet could still feel happiness, pleasure in small things. Could still recognize love and embrace it.

She let out a deep breath. A knight who wasn’t promising that the moat would always keep her protected, but if it was breached that he would always come for her.

All she had to do was fight to stay alive until he could get to her.

“I promise.”

She expected a smile. Or maybe praise. Instead he gave her a firm nod, his face hard.

“You will.”

It was an order. It was pure steel. And she knew if she disobeyed him, there would be hell to pay. You know, if she was alive to pay it.

“I promise, Ink,” she whispered. “For the first time in a long time, I have hope.” She reached for him, taking his hand between both of hers. “I have you.”

He lifted her over so she sat on his lap, straddling his thighs, her legs bent. With his hand on the back of her head, he brought her in for a kiss. It started light then he urged her to open, pressing his tongue deep. The kiss became rougher, harder. Her body tightened, her nerve endings danced.

If she thought about it too closely, she might wonder at why she enjoyed being dominated. Shouldn’t she hate it after being held down for so long? But Ink’s kind of domination wasn’t the sort where he put her down to feel big. Every move was designed with her in mind. To heighten her arousal. To keep her protected and safe.

He made her feel worthy.

When he drew back, his eyes had darkened to nearly black.

“Upstairs. Now. Back on the bed in position.”

She jumped from his lap and raced towards the stairs.

“Do not run up those stairs!” he roared at her.

She managed to slow down as she reached the stairs, forcing herself to take them calmly.

When he entered the bedroom, minutes later, she was luckily in position because the beast needed soothing. Although it seemed she’d roused his daddy side as well.

“Gonna have to damn well Little proof this place,” he was muttering as he stood at the end of the bed. Then he shook a finger at her. “No going up and down the stairs alone while in Little space.”

Was he for real?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic