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He moved in close, wrapping his arm around her middle. “You always have your safeword. No matter if it’s fifty years from now before you use it. You can always use it. Remember, you’re gifting me your submission, your Little. I’m never gonna forget that. You’re my Queen. It’s all you, Betsy, my fucking world now revolves around you. I might be a bossy, over-the-top, possessive bastard. But I’m yours.”

There was a husky sexiness in his voice, but she also heard the question. She wasn’t the only one that needed to hear how much they were wanted.

“And I’m yours,” she told him huskily. “I know there’s no going back and I’m glad, because I don’t fucking want to.”

“Ooh, brown eyes, swearing. That’s worth more punishment.”

“You swear all the time.”

“Yeah, but I’m a tatted-up biker. It’s expected.”

She rolled her eyes, gasping as he slapped her ass. “Luckily, I think it’s sexy as hell when you swear. Now get your ass into that bedroom.”

Christ. He grasped hold of the kitchen counter and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He needed her. His cock was straining against his jeans, his balls full and aching.

Chill, man. Don’t scare her.

He stripped off his shirt and moved to the sink to splash on some cold water.

She needed him in control right now. And he needed that too.

Ascending the stairs, he strolled into his bedroom. She was right where he’d told her to be. Kneeling naked in the middle of his king-sized bed, her head lowered, her legs spread so he could see her pussy. His heart nearly stopped.

Damn. She was gorgeous.

Small breasts, tipped with pink nipples. Deliciously smooth skin.

He wanted nothing more than to ravish her. But first he had some discipline to mete out. He’d thought about delaying punishment until after he’d taken her, but as her Dom, he couldn’t allow this to slide. She wouldn’t feel secure if he did.

“Good girl,” he told her, watching as some tension left her at his words. “I want you to come down here to the end of the bed and sit with your legs spread.”

Pulling his play bag out of the wardrobe, he set it down on the floor between her legs and opened it, pulling out a small, black paddle.

He heard her gasp.

“Do you know why you’re about to be punished?”

“Because I acted out instead of just telling you how I felt?”


“And going back to Forrest’s house, even though in the end you agreed with the plan.”

“I was a fucking idiot. But you’re still getting spanked for taking years off my life.”

“And for deceiving you,” she added quietly.

He froze. “Deceiving me?”

“For going to the club and deliberately searching you out. Not telling you the truth in the first place.”

He shook his head. “Brown eyes, we’ve gone over this. I don’t blame you.”

“But I blame me. I feel guilty. And Sunny…Sunny said I might feel less guilty if you punish me.”

Shit. Christ. He didn’t want to punish her for something that wasn’t her fault, but he also didn’t like the idea of her feeling guilty.

“All right, brown eyes. That will be part of this punishment too.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic