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“I know.” Her breath came faster.

“And for acting like a brat to get a reaction for me.”

“I figured.”

“Also gonna spank you for scaring me and going back to his house.”

“Okay.” Shoot. She’d really racked up the punishments.

“You’re not going to be sitting comfortably tomorrow,” he murmured. “You also need Little time.”

She did. Desperately.

Using his other hand, he brushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. “Unfortunately, we don’t have much time at the moment. When this is all over, you and I are going on vacation. A quiet cabin on the lake. No interruptions. Lots of button and Daddy time. As well as Ink and Betsy time.”


“Sounds amazing.”

He ran a finger down her cheek then over her lips. “But since we don’t have much time and it’s still something you need, we’ll have to see about getting you Little time while we’re at work.”

She stiffened. She couldn’t. Could she?

“People will see.”

“You don’t have to do anything in front of others you’re not comfortable with. But when I’m not with clients, you could spend time in Little space. We’ll get you a backpack, fill it with coloring books and toys. If you didn’t order the right stuff already, you can do it tomorrow. I like that idea. Might help me de-stress as well.”

Then she’d do it. Although she wasn’t going to tell him she hadn’t ordered anything yet.

“It will help you stop worrying,” he muttered.

God, she hoped so. All her worries were piling on top of her. Fear for the boys and what they might be getting up to. As far as she knew, they didn’t even have cell phones. And even if they did, how would they know how to call her or find her? What Forrest was plotting. Her future. Ink.

“But right now, I do believe I promised to make you come.”

“Lots,” she added.

He grinned. “Lots. Not sure you know what you’ve done, Betsy. It’s been a strain, trying to be damn well considerate and give you space. You sure you can deal with the possessive beast you’ve unleashed?”

She licked her lips. “Yes.”

Wicked heat entered his gaze. “Sure fucking hope so. Because the boss is back, baby. And since I’ve had to cage him, he’s feeling particularly grumpy. You’re gonna have to soothe him.”


“Hmm.” He pretended to think. “Your mouth around my cock could be a good start.”

“Oh, yes, please.”

He threw back his head and laughed. He spun her around, putting space between them so he could land several hard smacks on her ass.

“Get this delicious ass into my bedroom. I want you on the bed, naked, kneeling in position. Punishment first. Pleasure later.”

Her heart raced. Holy hell.

She stood frozen for a moment, uncertain. This was what she’d wanted. Her old Ink back.

But maybe she’d bitten off more than she could chew.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic