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Her shoulders relaxed. “Thank you.”

“Pick up the paddle and ask for your punishment.”

After letting out a deep breath, she picked up the paddle and held it out to him. “Please spank me, Sir.”


Holy heck.

Had she just asked him to spank her?

Yep. Seemed she had. She swallowed heavily as he stood. He held a hand out to her. She let him pull her up.

Leaning in, he kissed her gently. “You are so damn beautiful.”

Something stilled in her body. She had been told she was beautiful before. But she’d never really believed it. Until now.

“Turn around and bend over, lean your forearms on the bed.”

Slowly, she turned and got into place, knowing her ass was completely on display. He ran his hand over her firm cheeks. “Such a sexy ass. First time I spanked you, I damn near came in my jeans.”

“You did?” She gaped at him over her shoulder.

“Hell yes.”

“I wished you would stop,” she told him. “And I hoped that you wouldn’t.”

“Why is that?”

“It was starting to tear through those walls inside me. The pain was allowing me to let go of the tight control of my emotions. Which kind of scared me. I had learned to keep myself locked down tight and you were smashing my barriers.”

“You needed a good cry.”

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“You’re gonna get that now.”

Yep, she figured she was. She let out a breath as he started with his hand first.

“Do not keep things from me, Betsy,” Ink scolded as he warmed her ass with his hand. “That is the quickest way for things to come between us and I won’t accept anything between us, understand?”

“Yes, Sir, I’m sorry,” she sobbed, her ass already burning. How the hell would she handle the paddle? What had she been thinking?

“Don’t ever put yourself in danger again. I know I’m being a hypocrite since I agreed, but fuck, I’ve never been so God damn scared in my life. I could not fucking handle it if something happened to you. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

His hand stopped and she hung her head, taking in deep breaths. Her ass was already throbbing.

“All right, brown eyes, time for your paddling. Remember, I’ve already forgiven you. This is so you forgive yourself.”

The paddle landed and she let out a loud cry, shocked by the burst of pain. Ow. Ow. Owie!

She danced on her feet as two more slaps of the paddle landed.

“No more! No more!”

“Are you using your safeword?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic