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“What do you mean?”

“You’re going to be…to be understanding?”

“You don’t want me to be understanding?” He looked bewildered.

“No. Yes. I don’t know.”

“Betsy. What’s going on?”

“You want me to be honest, right?”

“Yes. What is it? You don’t like pizza?” he asked.

“No, I like pizza. I…I don’t like you.”

His head reared back. “What?”

“Shoot. That came out wrong. I like you. That’s the problem. I like you a lot. And you…you said all this stuff about getting to know each other but I already know you. And I know I deceived you and I feel really bad about that and so you might not trust me or feel you don’t know me. But back in the club, that was me! I went there because I was forced to in the beginning, but then it became the one thing in my life I had to look forward to. Seeing you was the highlight of my week. Discovering my Little side, being with you, it was the only time I wasn’t scared or worried. Not because of my Little, but because of you! So I don’t need time, Ink. I don’t need space. And I definitely don’t need my own damn bedroom.”

She gasped in a breath after spewing all that out.

He was gaping at her.

Way to act like a crazy person, Betsy.

Right. If he didn’t want her, it was going to come out now. She braced herself. He stormed towards her, wrapped his hand around the back of her neck then kissed her.

It was hot. It was possessive. It melted her.

When he drew back, they were both breathing heavily.

“Damn you’re hot. I want you so fucking bad.”

“Oh. That’s nice.”

“It’s not going to be nice, Betsy. When I get you in my bed, and after that little speech, that’s gonna be about ten minutes from now, it’s gonna be dirty, hard and hot. You’re gonna come so many times, you won’t even know your own name and then I’ll start all over again. I’m gonna eat that pussy until you won’t remember a time that my tongue wasn’t buried inside you. I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to own you. Got me?”

“Got you,” she whispered.

“I’m not like your mother or your husband or Forrest. I don’t want to keep you down, Betsy. I want to put you on a pedestal. I don’t want someone perfect. I won’t ever use you or hurt you. Out there,” he nodded towards the outside, “everyone will see you for what you are. My fucking Queen.” He clasped hold of her hips, pressing her close to him. Danger was a cloak around him that made it hard for her to breathe.

Yep, she really had awakened the beast.

Now she had to deal with him.

“But in here, Betsy. You. Are. Mine. Got me?”

“Got you,” she breathed.

“That what you want?”


“Once you commit, there’s no going back,” he warned

“I want it. I want you. I’m certain.”

He moved one hand back up to the back of her neck. “Your ass is gonna be red for keeping this from me.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic