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Hack had called this morning with her blood results. Now she had to take iron tablets and a multivitamin. And neither were the fun, gummy kind. No, they were huge and left her with a funny aftertaste.

“Not hungry. Thanks.”

“It wasn’t a suggestion,” he growled.

Oh hell. A full-body shiver ran over her. That voice. Dominant. Stern. She wanted to do as she was told.

Stay the course, Betsy.

She ignored him. She had a magazine she’d found in reception that day and was trying to do the crossword. It was years out of date. Ink obviously didn’t believe in making people feel comfortable as they waited for appointments. He’d also had Stone manning the front desk today, so no doubt he’d scared off every client that came in.

A pair of legs appeared on the other side of the coffee table from where she sat on the hard, cold floor. He could really use some rugs. And cushions. And art work.

And food.

“Betsy, are you ignoring me?”

“Hmm?” She looked up. “Oh no, I’m just not hungry.”

“You need to eat.”

“I know. I just don’t wanna.”

“You just don’t…wanna?” His voice was a low, deep rumble.

Her insides tensed. She was prodding the beast and even though she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, it went against the grain to push him like this.

She was going to be in so much trouble if he found out she was doing this deliberately.

Who are you kidding, Betsy? Of course he’ll find out.

He hadn’t punished her for anything lately, not even after promising her a spanking for returning to Forrest’s house.

“Nope.” She looked down at the crossword. Of course she couldn’t make out any of the words, she was waiting for him to react.

He crouched down and pulled the magazine away from her.

“Hey! I was doing that.”

“No, what you are doing is acting up and I want to know why.”

“I’m just not hungry.”

He studied her with narrowed eyes. She braced herself. Then he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. When he opened them, he gave her a small smile. “I know I haven’t had much time to spend with you. I’m sorry you have to come to the office with me. Get that it’s boring as hell. Why don’t you order some activity books or something to do? You’ve got my credit card.”

She gaped at him.

He stood. “Come eat, brown eyes.” He held out his hand.

She slid her hand into his and he helped her stand. Then he strode back to the kitchen.

“That’s it?”

He turned back. God, he looked exhausted.

You should back off. Last thing he needs is to deal with your issues.

She almost did. Almost pushed everything back and just let him be.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic