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“All right.”

“All right, Sir,” he said sternly.

“All right, Sir,” she repeated softly.

He knew he was being curt. But that scene in there had served to remind him of what he really wanted. And didn’t have.

Time was up. Angus could take care of his own problems. He winced. Betsy wasn’t a problem. If anyone was a problem, it was him.

They stepped into the dungeon.


“Yes,” he said absently. Where the fuck was Angus?

“I think I’ll head home.”

“You need to speak wi

th Master Angus first,” he insisted, catching sight of the big man. “This way.” He stepped forward and she quickly moved to catch up to him.

“Master Angus,” he said politely as they reached the man who was talking quietly to one of the dungeon monitors.

Angus turned and stared at Ink then down at Betsy. “Did you need me for something?”

“It’s been over an hour. I’m delivering her back to you.” He turned to look down at Betsy, who was now looking somewhat anxious. He had to swallow back the urge to draw her close and tell her everything was fine.

She’s not what you’re looking for. Time to stop fucking around.

“Betsy, see you around sometime.” Damn, man. Did you leave all your charm at the door?

“Thank you.” Her gaze dropped. She looked…forlorn. He felt like a complete ass.

Angus cleared his throat. Ink glanced over at the other man to find him frowning at him. Really? He was giving him that sort of look when he’d basically dumped Betsy on him? Ink scowled back at him.

Then he decided to risk touching her. He slowly reached out and grasped hold of her chin. “Betsy, maybe I’ll see you next weekend, yeah?”

What was he doing? He’d no plans to come next weekend.

But something like gratitude, or maybe it was hope, filled her face.

Fuck it.


“Ink, you’re late,” Reyes snapped as Ink strolled into the other man’s office which was out back of Reaper’s bar.

A rush of anger filled him, and he curled his hands into fists. Christ, he was only a few minutes late.

Ink had a slight issue with change. And trust. And authority figures. And his temper. So all that combined, yeah he was a bit volatile. And he and Reyes often clashed.

“Been fucking busy,” he growled.

Duke shot him a look. Right. He got it. Calm the fuck down, Ink. Why do you always have to fly off the fucking handle, Ink? Get grip on your temper, Ink.

He knew the lecture by heart by now. Had heard it for years from Duke. The other guy was his best friend, his brother. But sometimes, he didn’t understand him.

Reyes was staring at him with those cold eyes. His session last weekend at the club after he’d finished playing tour guide hadn’t helped relax him at all. He’d found a firecracker sub to play with. Had spanked her soundly when she’d gotten sassy with him. Tied her to a spanking bench and made her come over and over.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic