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But had taken nothing for himself. Not even when she offered to suck him off. It just hadn’t felt right. In fact, the whole night had been off ever since…

He’d said good night to Betsy. Christ, why had she gotten under his skin? Why her? She was so shy. Jittery. How would she react if he was to pull her over his knee? If he lost his temper in front of her?

Yeah, she’d run the other way.

And she’d never fit in here, with the Iron Shadows. The idea was laughable really. Imagine if she got an eyeful of all the guys? Not just the six of them, but the rest of the members of the Iron Shadows. A number of them were rough, violent.

Nope, none of them were good enough to be around Betsy. Including him.

“We interrupting something, Ink?” Reyes asked dryly. He leaned back his chair, his fingers tapping on the desk.

Duke frowned at him from where he was resting against the wall to Reyes’ right. Ink, Spike and Razor were sitting in the seats on the other side of the desk while Jason leaned back against the wall behind them.

“Interrupting something?” he asked.

“You’re thinking pretty hard about something,” Reyes replied.


“Or is it someone?” Razor teased. “You get laid last night? That why you’re late today? Got some sub tied up at home in your bed?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Ink snarled at Razor. He knew the fucker was just fishing. But he wasn’t in the mood. He crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s this meeting about?”

“Got better things to do, huh?” Reyes asked.

Ink shrugged. He wasn’t explaining himself. “Yep.”

“Feel free to leave. Wouldn’t want to interrupt whatever other important shit you’ve got going on.” Reyes' voice was dark. Icy.

Ink stared at him. The other man glared back.

Christ. What was he doing? This is what he got for only having a few hours of sleep last night. Then he’d had a job go wrong today. A client on the warpath. He was fucking stressed and tired.

“Sorry. Bad day.” He ran his hand over his face. “What’s going on?”

“Need to talk to you all about Sunny,” Duke said.

He sat up straighter. That brought him back to the here and now better than an icy glass of water over his head. “What about Sunny? Is she all right? Did you leave her at home alone?”

He hadn’t seen her when he’d walked in, but his mind had been on other shit. Sunny was like his baby sister. He’d do anything to help protect her.

“She’s fine,” Duke told him. “She’s out with Jewel in the bar.”

He frowned. “You think it’s a good idea to leave her out there?”

“You think anyone would mess with Sunny?” Spike asked in his deep voice. “Knowing that she’s Duke’s?”

Unlikely. Still. There would be no way he’d leave Betsy out there. Christ. He needed to stop thinking about her.

She’s nothing to you.

He just nodded. “What’s going on then?”

Duke frowned. “I don’t like that she’s seen his face. Far as we know, no one else has.”

Ink stilled. There could only be one person that he was talking about. The Fox. Would this shit with the senator never go away?

This was all fucking Reyes’ fault.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic