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Timeout chair.

Ink glanced down at Betsy as she stood by the door, looking around. Her face was a blank mask. There were four Littles. Two boys and two girls. One girl was playing with a tea set. An older man with salt and pepper hair sat next to her, taking his cup of tea and holding it gently in his hand. Across the room, the two boys played with the train set.

The last couple, he sort of knew. Zac, the Daddy Dom, turned and saw Ink there with Betsy. He leaned in and whispered something to his Little, Lara. Her black hair was pulled back in two braids and she wore a cheerful, yellow dress.

Lara nodded and Zac walked over to Ink. He felt Betsy stiffen and had to bite back the urge to touch her. Reassure her. Zac held out his hand and Ink shook it.

“Haven’t seen you for a while, man,” Zac said, eyeing Betsy curiously. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Master Zac, this is Betsy. She’s new. I’m mentoring her.”

“You are?” Zac gave him a surprised look.

“It’s just temporary.”

Did he just imagine the way Betsy’s shoulders tensed? He hadn’t said that to hurt her.

Zac’s gaze narrowed as he stared down at Betsy. He’d obviously seen her reaction as well. His green gaze moved up to Ink. He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not here often enough to be a good mentor,” Ink said gruffly. He didn’t look down at Betsy, but instead glanced over at Lara who was getting to her feet. She moved over towards the storage tubs.

“Are you a Little, Betsy? If so, Lara and I can act as mentors. We’ve done it before with other new Littles.”

“Oh I don’t…I’m not…I don’t think…” Betsy stumbled over her words.

Ink took pity on her. “We’re just observing today. Betsy is getting a feel for what she likes and,” something caught his eye, “Lara!”

Zac turned just as Lara attempted to pull a large tub out of the shelving unit. She stepped back and tripped over a couple of blocks, landing on her bottom.

“Lara!” Zac raced over to her as the Little girl burst into loud tears. He settled down next to her on his knees as Reina came over, looking worried. Zac drew Lara close, rocking her as she cried.

“Poor baby, did you hurt your bottom?” Zac crooned.

“Uh-huh. Daddy it h-hurts.”

“Daddy’s going to take you into the nursery and check you didn’t bruise yourself. What were you thinking, pulling down that big tub? It’s far too big for a tiny thing like you to carry. You need to remember to ask Daddy if you need something. That’s what Daddy is here for. To take care of you.”

“I didn’t w-want to interrupt y-you. I didn’t w-want to be a b-bother.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Lara-girl you could never be a bother.”

He stood then reached down and helped her up. Taking her by the hand, he led her into the nursery, scolding her lightly the entire time.

Reina shook her head and moved the tub to one side.

Betsy just silently took it all in. She didn’t say anything. Didn’t move. But there was something about the way she held herself. Could she be a Little? Finally, she glanced up at him. Those big brown eyes swam with so much sadness and longing it made his back teeth ache.

“Can we go?” Betsy asked quietly.

“Sure.” He nodded over at Reina who watched Betsy with interest. She gave them both a small smile.

“Hope to see you again, Miss Betsy,” she said warmly.

“Oh, ahh, yes. Thank you, ma’am,” Betsy said quietly.

She moved in closer to him. He tried not to show any reaction, not wanting to scare her off. They moved to the door and he held it open for her.

When they stepped into the corridor, he looked down at her. “I think that’s probably enough for tonight, yeah? I’ll take you back to Master Angus.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic