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Except it wasn’t her home. And she didn’t want to sleep in here.

She wanted to sleep with him.

It was so frustrating. There was so little about her life that felt settled. But there was one thing she knew that she wanted.


She’d almost asked him to spank her earlier. Like Sunny suggested. But it hadn’t felt like the right time.

But perhaps she should.

She liked it when he was pushy and bossy and dominant.

She needed it.

Everything else was so uncertain and she needed Ink to be Ink. And for him to still want her. She didn’t know what she would do if he decided he didn’t.

He’d set her small duffel bag on the end of the bed. “Why don’t you unpack and get settled? It’s getting late and you need some sleep.” He frowned down at her bag. “You also need to order yourself some clothes.”

She didn’t much care what she wore. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Just down the corridor.” They were upstairs. “Your bathroom is across the hall. If you need me just yell out.”

She nodded. “O-okay.”

He clasped hold of her face between his hands. “Things are going to be a

ll right, Betsy.”

Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “Good girl.”

Then he was gone.



Betsy was so frustrated.

And she was tired. Exhausted. She couldn’t sleep, stuck in that barren room. Even though Ink had given her his credit card and ordered her to buy some things to make the room more her own, she hadn’t done it yet.

Surprisingly, he hadn’t checked that she had.

But she knew he was stressed. He didn’t look like he was sleeping either. They hadn’t found the boys yet. She could only hope they were on their way here and would arrive safely.

She wanted to ease his stress. And her own. It had been a few days since he’d met with Forrest and they were still both on edge. She had an idea how to ease it. If she was brave enough.

You should just ask for what you need instead of acting like the brat.

Unfortunately, that took more bravery than she had.

“Betsy, come eat some dinner.” Dinner was pizza they’d ordered in since Ink didn’t actually have food in his huge fridge. All his kitchen held was coffee, creamer and some breakfast sandwiches in the freezer.

“No, thanks.”

Well, that’s a good start to being bratty, Betsy. Use your manners.

“Betsy, you need to eat. You can’t skip a meal.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic