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Her face burned as she laid back against the edge of the bathtub and let him finish washing her.

Finally, once he was satisfied that she was clean, he lifted her gently, wrapping the towel around her. When he carried her back into the other room, the scent of food filled the air. She saw two bowls with lids sitting on the coffee table in front of the small sofa. As well as a foil-wrapped plate. Her stomach was too tight to entertain the thought of eating, though.

“That doesn’t smell like donuts.”

“You eat your dinner like a good girl and I’ll send Blue out for donuts in the morning.”

He set her down on the bed then reached for the Band-Aids and antiseptic. He started to doctor her worst cuts, which were no longer bleeding but which he covered up with princess Band-Aids all the same.

“Blue?” she asked.

“One of my guys that works for me.”

“How many guys work for you?”

“Got twenty-four employees including Jana, who works at the front desk. Although how much longer she’ll have a job is debatable.”


“She’s never here. And when she is, she’s fucking rude to clients.”

She raised her eyebrows. She couldn’t imagine Ink putting up with that. “And she still works here?”

He grunted. “She was the wife of a teammate.”

“Oh. Is he…”

“He died.”

Okay, she got it now. He was trying to help a dead friend by employing his wife.

“But she’s making too many mistakes. She needs to go. I just don’t have time to find someone else to replace her right now.”

“Because of me.”

“No.” He put the supplies away and she had to smile as she looked over his handiwork, she had at least fifteen Band-Aids plastered on her. “Getting you away from Forrest had to take top priority. Your safety was a risk. But even without this going on, I’ve got other things sucking up my time.”

“Like what?”

He sighed. “Somehow my bids on contracts keep getting undercut. Thought it was just bad luck for a start but now…”

“You think someone is selling information about your bids to the competition?”

He grunted.

“That sucks.”

He snorted then stood and moved to the set of drawers and pulled out something. “It certainly does. If it’s someone who works for me, I’ll figure out who it is. Then they’ll pay.”

She shivered. She wouldn’t want to be that person when Ink got hold of them. “I make a very loyal friend, but I make a horrible enemy.”

“If they’ve betrayed you, then they deserve it,” she said darkly.

When he froze, she worried that he wouldn’t like her darker side. Then he grinned. “That they do, brown eyes.”

He held up a nightgown. It was a soft pink color with small white rabbits bouncing and playing along the bottom hem. It was gorgeous.

“Touch it,” he murmured

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic