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She reached out, gasping at the smooth, cozy feel of it.

“It was pretty soft when I bought it. But I also washed it a few times to soften it up more.”

“You bought it for me?” Her Little reappeared at the sight of the nightgown.

“Well, definitely didn’t buy it for Reyes,” he joked.

She had to grin at the idea of cold, scary Reyes wearing a pink nightgown.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she murmured. “I can’t remember the last time someone bought something for me.”

His eyes narrowed at that revelation. “Well, get used to that changing, button. I intended to spoil you.”

“You don’t need to do that, Daddy.” Although the idea of it was nice.

“You need time and care and attention. As well as clothes and toys and pretty things. I’m gonna give them all to you.”

Her heart fluttered as he put the nightgown on over her head. Then he helped her stand and undid the towel.

She moved her arms through the sleeves, loving the feel of the material against her skin. She sighed with contentment then yawned.

“Know you’re tired, baby,” he told her. “Just need to get some fluids and food into you then you can sleep for as long as you like.”

“I won’t be able to eat. My stomach is too twisty.”

“Time to stop stressing, Daddy has everything covered.”

She leaned against him and he picked her up, carrying her over to the couch. He set her down then walked back over to the drawers, pulling out a pale blue blanket. He placed it over her and it was so buttery soft she melted with delight.


“You like it?”

“Like is not the word I would use, Daddy.” She rubbed it against her face.

“I’m glad you like it. I’ll get you one in every color.”

“Daddy,” she protested.

“Hush. You have no say in the ways I spoil you.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“No arguments? That’s a change.”

She rolled her eyes at him then yawned and snuggled down.

“You can sleep soon. I got you something else. You don’t have to keep it if you don’t want it.”

The nervousness in his voice was unexpected and she looked over as he pulled out a pale blue stuffed elephant.

“Wow,” she said.

“I didn’t know what your favorite animal was,” he told her, moving the elephant from one hand to the other. “So I went into the store and felt all the toys to figure out which one was the softest. Should have seen the damn sales lady’s face. You’d have thought I was fucking murdering them from the looks I was getting.”

She could just imagine Ink, with his bad boy looks going into a child’s store and touching all the toys to find the softest one for her.

“That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic