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She raised her gaze. “You’re beautiful.”

“I’m too thin.”

“Which detracts nothing from your beauty,” he countered. “Beauty isn’t just skin deep.”

She flinched, feeling suitably chastised. Did she worry too much about physical appearance? Her mother had always drummed into her that she’d never get a man if she didn’t watch her weight, wasn’t careful with the way she looked or acted.

“Okay, I’m not going to like the thoughts running through your mind, am I?” he asked gruffly.

“Likely not,” she whispered.

“Are your thoughts mama-related?”

“She was always focused on finding another man. She always fussed over her appearance and mine. As I got older, her focus shifted to me. I had to always look perfect. Be perfect. To catch a man who would look after us both.”

“Well, we both know what Mama would have thought of me. I’m not the guy you take home to your parents. I’m not a fucking good catch. I’m rough, dominant and dangerous when the people I care about are threatened. But I will always look after you. Just in ways Mama probably never expected.”

She had to giggle at that.

“Yes, you’re too thin. But I’m only worried about that because of how it affects your health.”

“I have trouble eating when I’m stressed.”

“Then we do what we need to in order to make sure you’re not stressed. You don’t get so stressed when you’re in Little space, do you?”

“No,” she whispered.

“So we give you more Little time. And Daddy will make sure his girl gets all the care and attention she needs.”

She slid her arms around his waist, not caring that her nipples brushed against his chest, stiffening in reaction. Being in his arms was all she wanted.

It was home.

He bathed her quickly. To her disappointment, he didn’t pay any extra attention to her breasts, even when her nipples became hard and needy. It hadn’t been pleasant, getting in the water with all the nicks and scratches, but she’d known they needed to be washed.

“Part your legs, button. Daddy needs to make sure you’re nice and clean. I’

m sorry I don’t have any toys for you to play with.”

“That’s okay, Daddy.” She was fading fast anyway. “I can clean myself.” She reached for the washcloth, wincing as her body protested.

He pulled the cloth back, out of her reach. “Uh-uh, you just lie still and let Daddy take care of you.”

“You can’t wash me there.”

“There are no secrets from Daddy. You’ll hide nothing from him, understand. And I intend to get to know your pussy very well. Now part your legs so Daddy can clean you.”

Her legs slid open, almost of their own volition and he very thoroughly cleaned her pussy.

He ran a finger over the bare skin. “Wax?”

“I had it lasered off.”

Ink nodded then moved the cloth lower to sweep between her ass cheeks.

“Daddy!” She tried to push him away and he looked down at her sternly.

“Button, let Daddy clean you up.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic