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“Remember, if you’re good you get some treasure,” Hack bribed.

“I don’t want treasure! I don’t like needles.”

“It won’t even hurt, beautiful girl,” Hack said soothingly.

“Yes it will! It always hurts!”

Hack paused as he was getting the needle and vial ready. “I promise if you relax it won’t hurt.”


“Brown eyes. You’re getting some blood taken. Now

calm down or else Daddy will have to settle you down first.”

She knew from the warning look in his eyes exactly how he would achieve that. And she really didn’t want to get her butt spanked in front of the doctor.

“I don’t like this.”


Ink held her arm out, keeping her steady. She turned her head away, closing her eyes tightly and bracing herself for the pain.

“Right, all done,” Hack said calmly.

“All done?” She turned to gape at Hack as he pressed a Band-Aid over her arm. It had a picture of a sloth wearing sunglasses on it. Cute. “Now, I suggest you bathe her and then put some antiseptic and Band-Aids on the worse cuts. Lots of fluid. Something light to eat. Then rest. Make sure she rests tomorrow too. Lots of protein, veggies, and fluids. Small meals but often.”

“You really took my blood,” she said with wonder. “It didn’t hurt.”

Hack reached out and tilted up her chin. She flinched but he didn’t let go. “Don’t know what you’ve experienced in the past, beautiful girl. But I try not to inflict pain on any of my patients. Now, your treasure.”

He drew out a small box, handing it to her. She opened it, letting out a small gasp at all the sparkly things inside.

Hack chuckled as she ran her finger over the treasure.

She finally chose a bracelet made up of different colored gems.

“What do you say to Hack?” Ink prompted.

She blushed. Where were her manners? “Thank you very much, Doctor Hack.”

“You’re welcome, Betsy. Now, behave for your daddy. You gave him quite a fright. He needs lots of cuddles and kisses, okay?”

She glanced up at Ink. “I can do that.”


“Daddy is going to run you a bath. Will you be okay while I go check in with Brody and give him the pen drive? I tried to send him home for sleep but I think he’ll crash in the other room tonight.

“I…I…” The thought of being alone sent terror rushing through her.

“Button?” He cupped her cheeks. “You all right?”

She shook her head. Nope. She definitely was not.

“What do you need? You can ask me for anything.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic