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She wasn’t used to being able to ask for things. Sometimes it felt like her entire life had been spent catering to someone else’s needs.

“Don’t…don’t leave me, Daddy. Please.”

“Shh, it’s okay. I won’t leave you. I’ll stay right here.”

She nodded.

He brushed her hair back off her face. “Let me call Brody to come get this. All right?”

Brody didn’t take too long. Ink handed over the pen drive and ordered him to lock it in the safe for a few hours and get some sleep. He turned back to her once Brody was gone.

“Come on then, bath time for my button.” He lifted her, carrying her into the bathroom and setting her on the counter.

When he turned away to fill the bath, it occurred to her that he was going to see her naked for the first time.

“Let’s get you stripped off.” He reached for her top, quickly stripping it off over her head. He’d seen her in her underwear before plenty of times. So it wasn’t until he reached behind her to undo her bra that she stiffened.

“Daddy, maybe I should take a bath in my underwear.”

“Little girls don’t bathe in their underwear.” He drew back to study her. “What’s wrong?”

She fidgeted. “You’ve never seen me naked.”

“And you don’t want me to now?”

Did she? She wasn’t entirely sure.

“Why don’t you want me to see you naked?” he whispered.

“I don’t want you to be disappointed,” she replied, without thinking. Then she winced as he growled.

“Look at me.”

She raised her gaze to his.

“I get that your mother and Rex did a number on your self-confidence, but fuck if I haven’t been turned on since the first moment you walked into that club, dressed in those scraps of underwear and that horrible strappy outfit. Disappointed? There is no way that would ever happen.”

Her breath had grown faster, her body heating at his hot words.


“Okay?” He leaned in, his mouth inches from her. “Do you find me attractive, brown eyes?”


“Tonight, Daddy is taking care of his Little one. Understand?”

She nodded and he kissed her. Hot. Hard. Heavy.

She drew back as she heard water sloshing against the floor. She looked over at the bath. “Daddy! The bath!”

“Shit!” He leaned over and turned off the taps then reached into the bath to pull the plug out, draining some water.

Betsy couldn’t help but giggle as water sloshed over his clothes.

He sighed. Then he stripped off his shirt.

Her giggles died down as she took in Ink.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic