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But then, her Little didn’t much worry about things like strangers. Her Little trusted Daddy to take care of her. No matter what.

Ink just sighed. “Get on with it, man. I need to get her bathed and into bed. She needs to rest.”

Hack placed something over her finger. “This special machine reads your pulse and your oxygen levels,” he told her. “It’s magic.”


“Uh-huh. Everything I have needs some special pixie dust to make it operate. Now where did I put that?”

She blinked, staring at the big man who could have walked out of a meeting for serial killers r us with amazement as he pulled a vial of pink glitter out of his bag. “Here it is.”

He poured a bit out onto his palm and blew it over her and Ink. “There, that should work.”

“Thanks, man,” Ink said dryly.

She drew back to look up at him, noting the pink glitter that stuck to his face, clinging to his eyelashes and she burst into laughter.

“Poor Daddy.” She reached up and brushed off the glitter. “Pink glitter is a good look for you.”

Ink raised an eyebrow. “Don’t get any ideas.”

“I have some spare if you want it,” Hack whispered to her.

“No more glitter,” Ink warned.

She dropped her lip in a pout.

“Oh hell.”

“Now you’ve done it,” Hack said with a grin. “She’s pouting. You made my patient sad. Bad Ink.”

“Bad Daddy.”

“Stop being a bad influence,” Ink growled at Hack. “And get on with it.”

Hack just rolled his eyes, but he turned on the machine and started checking her vitals. He took her blood pressure, frowning slightly as he noted things down on a tablet. Then he checked over the worst of her scrapes and bruises.

“Everything all right?” Ink asked.

“Her blood pressure is very low. Do you know when you last ate and drank?” he directed that question at Betsy.

“Umm.” She had no idea.

“Right, I’m guessing a long time ago if you can’t remember and you exerted a lot of energy recently. And my guess from looking at you is that you’re very underweight. I want to take some blood.”

“No! No blood.”

“Can you get it tested without using her name?” Ink asked.

He had to be kidding, he couldn’t be about to let Hack take her blood!

“Yep. That’s not a problem.”

“Go ahead then,” Ink told him.

“No, Daddy! No needles.”

“Brown eyes,” Ink said warningly as she tried to fight her way off his lap.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic