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She set the mop aside and looked down at the clean floors with satisfaction. She’d sat and watched TV for about an hour before she’d started to get antsy. She wasn’t used to sitting around for long periods of time. Well, not unless she’d lost herself in a good book. Then the whole day could go by with her barely noticing.

She also felt guilty that she was relaxing while Linc was out working. With all that he was doing for her, the least she could do was clean his house. Not that it needed much cleaning. The man was very tidy.

He even kept lists for God’s sake. There was a to-do list on his fridge as well as a shopping list.

Now, if only she could manage to make something for dinner. But her cooking skills were non-existent.

A knock on the door had her frowning, her heart racing. Mierda! Linc hadn’t told her what to do if someone came to the door. Surely, if he’d been expecting someone, he would have told her. He’d already called her to check on her.

Another knock. It couldn’t be Tiger, anyway. He wouldn’t knock. But was it a good idea for anyone to know she was here? Was Linc telling people? Shit. Why hadn’t she asked any of this stuff?

Knock. Knock. Crap. She was just going to answer it. Racing to the door, she took a deep breath then opened it carefully.

To find Abby standing on the other side, a smile on her face and a large casserole dish by her feet. Mari’s eyes widened. “Abby?”

“Marisol! I was starting to wonder if you were here. I mean, Kent said you were and I didn’t think you could go anywhere. Unless you went down to the stables, I guess. Or for a walk.”

Marisol just stared at her.

“Urgh, I’m sorry. I’m babbling. Kent told me you were staying with Linc, so I thought I’d do the neighborly thing and bring you some shepherd’s pie.” She crouched down and picked up the dish.

“Shepherd’s pie?”

“Yes. Oh no, you do like it, don’t you? You’re not vegetarian? Oh no, you’re vegetarian and I brought you meat. Shoot. I knew I should have gone for cookies. Everyone likes cookies.”

“Actually, I’m not a vegetarian so shepherd’s pie is great.”

“So I did good?” Abby’s face filled with relief.

“Would you like to come in?” It felt a bit awkward to invite someone else into Linc’s house but she couldn’t leave her standing out there after she’d brought over food.

“Oh yes. I can’t stay long, though. I just told Kent I was going to bring this down and come straight home. He’s in a meeting so I have a few minutes to spare. But if my butt isn’t home and lying down within the next forty minutes, I’m in trouble.”

Abby followed Marisol through the house into the kitchen. She set the casserole dish on the counter with a sigh.

“Trouble?” Marisol questioned worriedly.

“Yes. Kent’s very protective. All the men on the ranch are. He thinks I exhausted myself helping with the wedding and now I’m supposed to take afternoon naps until my energy is back. He’s worried about me.”

“Oh. That’s actually quite sweet.”

“Isn’t it?” Abby said with a sigh. “I mean, sometimes his overprotectiveness will make you want to slap him with a wet sock in the face while he’s sleeping, but mostly it just makes me all gooey inside.”

Marisol grinned. She got it.

“Of course, you’ll find that out for yourself now that you’re living with Linc. He’s just as bad as the rest of them.” Abby gave her an interested look.

Marisol found herself blushing. “It’s not like that. I’m staying here because Linc is protecting me. There’s this asshole who thinks I’m his. We’re not sure whether he’s going to try and find me.”

“Oh, Marisol.” Abby came forward and to her shock, took Marisol’s hand in hers. “I’m so sorry you’re going through that.”

Her too. It kept coming back to her during the day, catching her by surprise, the memory of his threatening her, strangling her had threatened to make her panic. She’d reached for the phone so many times to call Linc then pulled back.

He was working. She shouldn’t bother him.

That was part of the reason she’d taken to cleaning the house as well, to keep her mind busy.

“I’m glad you’re here then. Kent didn’t have time to tell me much of what was going on. He just said that you were here, and that I wasn’t to say anything to anyone off the ranch. Which I wouldn’t. Kent and his guys are the best in the business. And I know Linc will take good care of you.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic