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“Don’t strain yourself with the praise there, brother.”

Doc flung the middle finger behind his back as he walked towards the bedroom door. But he was grinning as he did it.


“Rise and shine, it’s exercise time.”

She cracked open an eye. Stared up at Issy. Why was he smiling? That didn’t bode well for her.

More and more she was thinking of him as Issy. Doc was strict and grouchy. A disciplinarian. Issy was sweeter. She liked both sides of him. She promptly shut her eyes again.

“Caley, time to wake up.”

“Don’t wanna. Is it the weekend?” Not that she didn’t get up and work in the weekends anyway. So it didn’t matter if it was or wasn’t. But she’d had such a good sleep and she wanted more.

“No, it’s Monday, baby doll. Far as I can see you never take a day off. We’re gonna fix that.”

They were? Hmm, she wasn’t so sure about that. She had a routine. Her routine did not involve being woken up by a sexy, drop-dead gorgeous guy.

Huh. Maybe that was where she was going wrong. Because it seemed her day should start with that.

r /> “Caley, wake up. Or I’m going to find an incentive for getting you up.”

“Incentive? I might like an incentive.” Her clit tingled as all sorts of thoughts flooded her mind.

“Girl, tell you right now I fucking love the look on your face. However, we don’t have time for that and exercise.”

“Isn’t that considered exercise?”

“Come on, get up.” He rolled her onto her front and landed several hard smacks on her ass. She didn’t feel much through the bed covers, but still, the intent was there.

She got onto her hands and knees and nearly screamed as she saw the time. Shit! How was it so late? How had she slept in so long?

“Oh God, you should have woken me up an hour ago. I don’t have time to exercise.” Or shower. Or have breakfast.

“Exercise. Then you can shower while I make breakfast. Then work.”

“I can’t.”

“Did you get enough work done yesterday?”

“Well, yes, more than enough,” she replied honestly.

“And that was working less hours than usual?”

“Ah, yep.”

“Is your body sore? Hands aching? Back sore?”

“Not as bad as usual.”

“Exercise is good for your body and mind. Gets the blood flowing. It will help with the aches and pain. And help you concentrate. I don’t want your body giving out on you in a few years because you didn’t take a bit of time now to look after yourself. I know what I’m talking about. Trust me, I’m a doctor.”

She sighed. “You know just because you’re a doctor, it doesn’t mean you know everything.”

“It doesn’t? You sure about that?” He grinned.

Yep, she was in trouble.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic