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He raised his eyebrows. “You can’t survive on frozen meals and snacks.”

Well, why not?

“Come on, let’s get you out of those clothes and into your pajamas.”

She glanced down at what he held in his hands. They were old, faded flannel pajamas with pictures of wiener dogs on them.

“Got a fondness for dachshunds?”

“Yes. I think they’re so cute.”

Maybe she should get a dog. Although she should probably get something big that would also serve as protection.

“Arms up, baby.”

“Umm.” She was not ready for him to see her naked.

He studied her then nodded. “I’ll go brush my teeth in the other bathroom. You get ready. I expect to find you in bed in ten minutes, understand?”

“Yes, Doc.”

He lightly brushed his lips against her forehead. “Good girl.”

He looked at her bed. “I’ll make that when I get back. What’s this?” He pointed at her body pillow.

“I, umm, I sleep with it. I find it hard to sleep. This helps. It makes me feel secure.”

He nodded. “You need your sleep.”

She quickly got changed after he left, throwing her clothes in the hamper. Well, she threw them at the hamper, only her pants landed in it.

She’d get the rest in the morning. She yawned and stumbled her way into the bathroom to get ready. She really was exhausted. It had been an eventful day and evening. What time was it?

As she climbed into bed, glancing down at her clock. Holy hell, it was nearly midnight. And she’d gotten up early this morning. No wonder she was exhausted. She left the lamp on a soft glow. She hated sleeping in the dark.

It hadn’t worried her when Dave slept beside her. But sleeping on her own was scary.

Being on her own was scary.

She knew she’d relied on Dave for a lot, but she hadn’t realized just how much until he was gone. And so was her sense of place in the world. Her safety net.

Her door opened without a knock. Doc walked in, dressed in just a pair of low-slung sweats.

Holy hell.

That was a sight. He didn’t head towards her, but he moved to the other side of the bed.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting into bed.”


Wait a minute.

She sat up. “You can’t sleep in here!”

“Why not?” He climbed into bed.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic