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“Issy, she’s ready,” Archer said. He reached over for some condoms, handing one to his brother.

Issy moved so he was lying on his back on the bed. “Come here, girl.”

“Crouch over him on all fours so I can pull the plug out,” Archer commanded.

She straddled Issy and he placed his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her towards him so he could kiss her. She felt Archer spreading her ass cheeks then tugging on the plug. He drew it gently out. She moaned quietly and then Issy let her go. He grasped hold of his cock, guiding it inside her. She sighed with enjoyment as he filled her.

She placed her hands on his muscular chest as she moved up and down his thick shaft.

“God, you feel so good!”

“Fuck, yes.” His jaw clenched, hunger filling his face. “Hurry the fuck up, Archer. I’m not going to last long. She’s sucking on me.”

“I’m coming,” Archer grumbled. He pressed on her back and she lay against Issy. He held her hips as she felt Archer put more lube on her back passage. Then his cock nudged up against her back hole.

“Deep breath in, Caley,” Issy told her. “That’s it, now out. Relax.”

As she let her breath out, Archer started pushing his way inside her. It stung and for a moment she worried it was too much. That she couldn’t take him. But he paused, letting her adjust and Issy drew her lips against his, kissing her, distracting her.

Archer drove forward. Until he was fully seated inside her. Both of them filling her.

“All right, love?” Archer asked from above her.

She was surrounded by them, filled by them and she felt so right, so good, she could barely breathe.

“Yes. Move. Please.”

“Doesn’t have to ask me twice,” Issy muttered.

Archer slid back as Issy drove her down on him. Then Archer pushed inside her ass again. God, it felt so good. It wasn’t long until she was writhing between them. Archer groaned above her. “She feels amazing. So tight. So hot.”

“Tell me about it, brother.”

“Less talking, more making Caley come,” she demanded.

They both stalled. No. No, no, no.

“She’s sassy,” Archer said.

“Bossy.” Issy gave her a stern look.

“Remind me to spank her. After,” Archer grunted.

“With pleasure.”

Archer reached around and slipped his hand between their bodies, toying with her clit. She cried out, clenching down around them.

“Fuck!” Issy grabbed her hips, holding her as he pounded inside her. Archer held still for the moment, concentrating on her pleasure.

“Come, love,” he said quietly.

“Come. Now,” Issy demanded.

And, ever obedient, she obeyed. She came with a loud cry, spiraling up and up then falling with a crash. She heard Issy swear as he gave a final thrust. Then Archer moved faster, harder until he roared with his own release.

They both rolled, keeping her sandwiched between them as they lay on their sides.

She never wanted to leave.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic